Week Before Spring Break!

I want to sincerely thank you for your help with our field trip. It was a successful learning experience and all of the students were fantastic! Thanks to all of the parents and grandparents who helped out. We couldn’t do it without you!!
Please remember we have a field trip to the planetarium on Friday, April 14. I need your permission slip turned in and money paid by this Thursday. Thank you in advance for your help with this.
Next week is spring break so there is NO School. When we return, we will be ready to start practicing for our class play. If at all possible, have your child watch The Wizard of Oz during the break to prepare them for our class play. They will understand the humor and figurative language better if they have seen the movie. Our play aligns with Utah Core Curriculum standards and is a great way to end the school year. I will assign parts this week which I hope will give you enough time to prepare a costume for your child. Costumes should be simple. You do not need to spend a lot of money for a costume. I will be more than happy to give ideas of what students have done in the past if needed.
Thank you in advance!!

Monday: Library (Don’t forget your books)
Tuesday: Music with Mrs. Viernew
Wednesday: Celebrate Trevyn’s Birthday!
10:30 Skype call with our Penguin Friends in South Africa for Earth Day (I
know we’re early, but it was the only time available)
Thursday: STEM class
Happy Birthday to Nickzia!!
Friday: Early Out (1:00)
Dollar Dress Down Day

Math:  Play Prodigy at least 3 days for 10 minutes.

Reading and applying the literary skills we learn in class is imperative in becoming better readers.  With this in mind, I still require every child to read 20 minutes every night.  After reading, please have your child respond to the questions on the homework document in google classroom.  To do this, you will go to classroom.google.com. Their login is their first name.lastname@qackids.org. Their password is their computer password followed by rams. (Your child knows this password because they use it everyday). Remember to fill out the library Google Doc on the home page (You’ve been amazing at this!) and record how many minutes you read for the week. Please make sure your child clicks the TURN IN tab on the top right hand corner at the end of the week so they get credit for their work. Please continue to read every night for at least 20 minutes. I will also be asking for volunteers 3 times a week to give a book talk on what they’ve been reading. 

If you are having trouble typing your child’s questions in the document, feel free to have them write out the answers to the questions on a piece of paper and turn it in on Friday. GOOGLE CLASSROOM DOES NOT WORK WELL IN INTERNET EXPLORER.

 Weekly Questions:

Write 2 sentences about the story plot. What is the
problem in the story? How is the problem being resolved?

Write a sentence telling me your favorite part in the book you are currently reading.

Wednesday: Find 5 words with our spelling pattern. Long e sounds, ee or ea

Tell me about the setting in your book. Is there a specific time period? Does the setting change?

Permission Slip

PLEASE turn in your permission slips AND pay your $4 to the office for the aquarium as soon as possible!

We will be having our planetarium field trip on Friday, April 14. Since spring break is the week before the field trip, we need the permission slip returned and donation paid BEFORE March 31. Thanks in advance for your support. We love our field trips and feel they provide meaningful learning opportunities for our students.

Field Trip to the Planetarium

Happy Spring!!

Monday: Library (Don’t forget your books)
Tuesday: Music with Mrs. Viernew
Thursday: STEM class
Friday: Field Trip, meet at the Roy Front Runner station at 8:15 am
Remember that we won’t be back until 3:45! Please pick up your child promptly at 3:45 at the Roy Front Runner station.

Math:  Complete these 2 practice sheets on measurement



Reading and applying the literary skills we learn in class is imperative in becoming better readers.  With this in mind, I still require every child to read 20 minutes every night.  After reading, please have your child respond to the questions on the homework document in google classroom.  To do this, you will go to classroom.google.com. Their login is their first name.lastname@qackids.org. Their password is their computer password followed by rams. (Your child knows this password because they use it everyday). Remember to fill out the library Google Doc on the home page (You’ve been amazing at this!) and record how many minutes you read for the week. Please make sure your child clicks the TURN IN tab on the top right hand corner at the end of the week so they get credit for their work. Please continue to read every night for at least 20 minutes. I will also be asking for volunteers 3 times a week to give a book talk on what they’ve been reading. 

If you are having trouble typing your child’s questions in the document, feel free to have them write out the answers to the questions on a piece of paper and turn it in on Friday. GOOGLE CLASSROOM DOES NOT WORK WELL IN INTERNET EXPLORER.

 Weekly Questions:

Write 2 sentences about the story plot. What is the
problem in the story? How is the problem being resolved?

Tell me about the mood in your book.

Wednesday: Find 5 words with our spelling pattern. Long e sounds, ee or ea

Tell me why you like the book you are reading.


I can’t believe I’m even thinking about the end of the year! This year is flying by way TOO fast! I wanted to give you heads up on some important dates. I know that May gets super crazy and I don’t want any of you to not be able to attend because you didn’t know the dates ahead of time.

Friday, April 14: Field Trip to the Planetarium

Monday, May 15 @ 9 AM: Class Play Production in the Q1 Gym

Tuesday, May 16 @ 5 PM: Class Play Production in the Q1 Gym

I will need every kid to be here at 4:30 pm on May 16 to perform for our parents. Please let me know if this will be a problem for your child so I can make other arrangements for your child’s part.

Play assignments will be given the week before spring break!
Thanks for everything you do to make our class successful. I’ve had wonderful support from our parents this year.

Happy St. Patrick’s Day!!

Monday: Library (Don’t forget your books)
Tuesday: Happy Birthday Hunter!!
Music with Mrs. Viernew
Thursday: STEM class
Friday: NO School, Teacher Professional Development Day

We will be working on measurement this week in math.
Play Prodigy at least 3 times in the week.

Reading and applying the literary skills we learn in class is imperative in becoming better readers.  With this in mind, I still require every child to read 20 minutes every night.  After reading, please have your child respond to the questions on the homework document in google classroom.  To do this, you will go to classroom.google.com. Their login is their first name.lastname@qackids.org. Their password is their computer password followed by rams. (Your child knows this password because they use it everyday). Remember to fill out the library Google Doc on the home page (You’ve been amazing at this!) and record how many minutes you read for the week. Please make sure your child clicks the TURN IN tab on the top right hand corner at the end of the week so they get credit for their work. Please continue to read every night for at least 20 minutes. I will also be asking for volunteers 3 times a week to give a book talk on what they’ve been reading. 

If you are having trouble typing your child’s questions in the document, feel free to have them write out the answers to the questions on a piece of paper and turn it in on Friday. GOOGLE CLASSROOM DOES NOT WORK WELL IN INTERNET EXPLORER.

 Weekly Questions:

Highlight in PINK the cause in each sentence and highlight in YELLOW the effect.

1. Joe went to the store because he needed food.

2. Kay ate a bowl of soup because she was feeling sick.

3. The baby was sleeping so Rick was very quiet when he came from school.

4. Since the class was out of markers, Mrs. Lloyd went to the store to buy more.


Summarize in 2 sentences your favorite part in the book you are reading.



Tell me whether each sentence is a fact or opinion.

1. Chocolate pudding tastes great!
2. Sharp glass might cut your hand.
3. A hurricane has very strong winds.
4. A calculator is a tool for performing math functions.
5. Summer is the best season of the year.


You DO NOT have to fill out the reading and sort log anymore! I will give credit for reading for the week from the google classroom document being filled out.

You are not required to sort the spelling words. This week we will be working on the long e vowel sounds (ee, ea). Here are the words for the week: 2-4 Sheet1


Happy March!!!

Monday: Library (Don’t forget your books)
Tuesday: Happy Birthday Suzanna!!
Music with Mrs. Viernew
Thursday: STEM class

We will be working on comparing fractions. Here are the worksheets for math homework this week.
comparing fractions hmwk 1 (Please make sure to print off BOTH pages.)
comparing fractions hmwk 2

Reading and applying the literary skills we learn in class is imperative in becoming better readers.  With this in mind, I still require every child to read 20 minutes every night.  After reading, please have your child respond to the questions on the homework document in google classroom.  To do this, you will go to classroom.google.com. Their login is their first name.lastname@qackids.org. Their password is their computer password followed by rams. (Your child knows this password because they use it everyday). Remember to fill out the library Google Doc on the home page (You’ve been amazing at this!) and record how many minutes you read for the week. Please make sure your child clicks the TURN IN tab on the top right hand corner at the end of the week so they get credit for their work. Please continue to read every night for at least 20 minutes. I will also be asking for volunteers 3 times a week to give a book talk on what they’ve been reading. 

If you are having trouble typing your child’s questions in the document, feel free to have them write out the answers to the questions on a piece of paper and turn it in on Friday. GOOGLE CLASSROOM DOES NOT WORK WELL IN INTERNET EXPLORER.
 Weekly Questions:

Give me an example of how a conflict was resolved in the book you are reading.

Tell me about the setting in the book you are reading.

Spelling Connection.  After reading, find 5 to 10 words that have the spelling pattern we are studying this this week. (Words with the ai and ay vowel patterns)

Give me an example of a fact or opinion from the book you are reading.

You DO NOT have to fill out the reading and sort log anymore! I will give credit for reading for the week from the google classroom document being filled out.

You are not required to sort the spelling words. This week we will be working on the ai and ay vowel sounds. Here are the words for the week: 2-3 Sheet1