Sage Testing

This year, we have to administer the SAGE Writing Assessment earlier in February. (The SAGE Language Arts and Math Assessments will be given in May.) We have been working really hard at school on writing informative and opinion pieces to prepare. This is all pretty new to our class because we’ve never taken the end of year test before third grade. FYI: Our SAGE Writing Test sessions are on next Tuesday, February 3rd and Thursday, February 5th. Please make sure your child has a nice big, healthy breakfast with lots of sleep! I am attaching another permission slip today(I know, another one…) for chewing peppermint gum during SAGE Testing. Studies show that the peppermint calms the students and helps them focus during long tests. Please read and submit the permission slip with your child before next Tuesday, February 3rd. Thanks for all your help and support!

Book Orders


I sent home Scholastic book orders last week. Those that are interested in ordering, it  needs to be ordered no later than tomorrow. Feel free to go to to order. Our classroom code is NKFMG. Entering this code will connect you to my account, and any purchases you make help us add points to purchase books for our classroom. Thanks again!!

Important Information


We will be having a field trip on Tuesday, February 10. I sent home permission slips yesterday with the students so hopefully you saw it. The permission slip and $5 needs to be turned in by Wednesday, February 4.

We have parent conferences tomorrow from 3:30 until 4:30. Feel free to let me know if you would like to meet with me. I currently have a 3:45 and 4:00 opening.

This Friday is Dollar Dress Down Day and short day Friday.

We will start Sage Writing Testing next Monday so please have your child get plenty of sleep and eat a good breakfast to help them.

Thank you for your support!

Mrs. Lloyd

Food Permission Slip

We will be doing a really cool lesson on inferences. I don’t want to give too many details on the blog since I want it to be a surprise for the students. Feel free to email me privately if you would like more details as to when and what exactly we are doing. Please fill out the attached Google form to allow your child to have the snacks during class for our lesson. This needs to be turned in to me by this Wednesday. THANK YOU!!

Homework Week of Jan. 26

3rd Grade Homework Organizer[1]


Directions: Always keep this in your homework folder. Each day place a check in the box when you finish your homework. Have a parent initial the column and bring back this sheet every Friday in your homework folder. Students are required to read 20 minutes a day. Please record reading time on the attached document or on the Google document. It needs to be up to date every Friday. Reading Log

We have new word sort groups based on a spelling inventory that goes along with our Words Their Way program. 

Group 1:
Joshua, Conner M, Dawson,  Gracie, Jaiden, Chace
Group 1

Group 2:
Gunner, Harlie, Macey, Gauge, Kyler, Colin
yellow sort 33

Group 3:
Aiden, Maya, Alex, Rowdy, Avery, Conner H.
yellow sort 48

Group 4:
William, Rhett, Avena, Zackery
green sort 3

Read for 20 minutes and record on reading log
SORT – ABC Sort – Have your child explain the sort rule to you and put their words in alphabetical order.

Read for 20 minutes and record on reading log
SORT – Speed Sort


Read for 20 minutes and record on reading log
SORT –  No Peeking Sort Read the sort words to your child aloud (without showing them) and have them write them under the correct rule column with the correct spelling.
MATH – 9.3  ODDS

Read for 20 minutes and record on reading log
SORT – Glue Sort – Glue down the rules and the sorts that follow those rules


Parents, Our class has earned free time tomorrow. They are welcome to bring one item such as a game or a toy to play with during this time. Also, the third grade won last quarter’s box top contest and received a free dress down day. We will do our dress down day tomorrow. Thank you!!

Homework Week of January 20

3rd Grade Homework Organizer[1]

Directions: Always keep this in your homework folder. Each day place a check in the box when you finish your homework. Have a parent initial the column and bring back this sheet every Friday in your homework folder. Students are required to read 20 minutes a day. Please record reading time on the attached document or on the Google document. It needs to be up to date every Friday. Reading Log

We have new word sort groups based on a spelling inventory that goes along with our Words Their Way program. 

Group 1:

Joshua, Conner M, Dawson,  Gracie, Jaiden, Chace

Group 1

Group 2:

Gunner, Harlie, Macey, Gauge, Kyler, Colin

  Group 2

Group 3:

Aiden, Maya, Alex, Rowdy, Avery, Conner H.

Group 3

Group 4:

William, Rhett, Avena, Zackery

Group 4

Read for 20 minutes and record on reading log
SORT – ABC Sort – Have your child explain the sort rule to you and put their words in alphabetical order.
MATHChapter 8.7  EVENS
Chapter 8.7 Key

Read for 20 minutes and record on reading log
SORT – Speed Sort
Chapter  8.8 – Odds
Chapter 8.9 – Evens starting at problem 12-22
Chapter 8.8 Key
Chapter 8.9 Key

Read for 20 minutes and record on reading log
SORT – Glue Sort – Glue down the rules and the sorts that follow those rules
MATH –Chapter Review – Odds if your child did not complete in class

Chapter Review Key