
I wanted to send a reminder for tomorrow’s events. Please send your child in his/her costume to school tomorrow. Also, DON’T FORGET to put your child’s uniform in their backpack to change into after our rehearsal. You are also welcome to send an old t-shirt in their backpack for painting later on that day! I apologize there is so much going on in one day, it’s just how it worked out:)
As a reminder, tomorrow at 9 AM is a dress rehearsal only, our set is not quite done and we have a little bit more practice to do but the kids are doing great!!
Thanks for sharing your AMAZING kids with me, they have been working SO HARD.

Mrs. Lloyd


SUPRISE!! We are going to make Tie Dye T-Shirts in class this Friday so that we can have a matching shirt for our field trip next week! We have a substitute, Ms. Goldsberry, and she has agreed to take on this fun task! I’m so excited to see how they turn out!
Here is an updated schedule of our events these next two weeks!

Tuesday    May 12th  SAGE Testing

Thurdsay  May 14th  SAGE Testing
Friday        May 15th  Tie Dye Shirts
May 18th   Dress Rehearsal 9:00 Please send your child with their costume on this day.
We will also be painting our set, so please send an old shirt to put over their uniform.
May 21st    Class Play 9:00
May 22n    Living Planet Aquarium Field-trip
May 26th   Early Out at 1:00
May 27th   3rd Grade Pizza Party and games
                     Early out at 1:00
May 28th   Last day of School!
                       Field Day
                       Early out at 1:00
I know it’s kind of a crazy couple of weeks so feel free to let me know if I missed anything!
Thank You

Monday, May 18

I apologize for yet another blog post! Each student needs to wear their costume to school for Monday. They also need to bring their school uniform AND an old shirt they can put over their school uniform shirt to paint in. We will be finishing the back drop for our play that day and I don’t want them get their paint on their uniforms. I apologize for the amount of items to bring in on Monday, it just worked out that Monday is the day we have to do both!

Thanks Again!!
Mrs. Lloyd

Costume Ideas

For costume ideas, you can go to youtube and search for “Munchkin Mediation: Conflict Resolution.” There are many classes that have posted their plays online. It is a great way to get homemade costume ideas.
Reminder: Please have your wear their costume on Monday but BRING YOUR UNIFORM TO CHANGE INTO AFTER OUR DRESS REHEARSAL!!


Electronic Day


It is TRUE!! (The class told me today their parents didn’t believe them about electronic day, I had to laugh because I’m a parent, I know how it is!) Our class has earned the privilege to bring electronics in for a half hour of fun. They have been working so hard especially since we’ve been doing 2 math lessons per day. The special day will be this Thursday. Please remind your child that they are not supposed to take their electronic item out of their backpack at all before school in the playground. When I get them in the morning, I will take all of the electronics and lock them up in my cabinet until the end of the day when we do our fun! Feel free to contact me with any questions. I’m so proud of the hard work that is happening in our class!

Mrs. Lloyd

Homework Week of May 11

This week for homework, I am sending out some math review practice. We will be doing our SAGE Testing for math on Tuesday and Thursday this week. Please ensure your child is here this week on time and ready to work hard! I am not assigning any math on Thursday’s homework since I’ve given more problems for the kids to do earlier in the week.
Thanks for all you do!!

Read for 20 minutes
Math Review Ch 8-10

Read for 20 minutes

MATH- Math Review Ch 1-14

Read for 20 minutes
MATH –  Math Review Ch 4-7

Read for 20 minutes
No Math Homework

Turn in Sort-and-Reading-Log  

Class Play


I apologize that I had the wrong dates on the class play dress rehearsal and performance. (It must be the end of year or something). The dates are Monday, May 18 at 9 AM for the dress rehearsal and Thursday, May 21st at 9 AM for the performance.

Thanks Again for your support this year. It’s been a fabulous year and I’m going to miss your kiddos like crazy!


I hope everyone had a WONDERFUL weekend with the gorgeous weather we’ve had!!!  There are only 17 days left of school until summer!!!  I can’t even believe the year is almost over!  It’s been such an amazing year with our wonderful class.  As things are wrapping up, we have lots of important things that are coming up.  Please note all these important dates:

Tuesday, May 5th-SAGE English/LA Test #1
Wednesday, May 6th- Final DIBELS Testing
Thursday, May 7th-SAGE English/LA Test #2
Tuesday, May 12th-SAGE Math Test #1
Thursday, May 14th-SAGE Math Test #2
Monday, May 18th @ 9:00- Dress Rehearsal for Class Play in Q1 gym (All costumes have to be to school on this day.  Also, any parents that can’t make it to the actual performance during the school day are welcome to attend.)
Thursday, May 21st- Class Play @ 9:00 AM in the Q1 gym
Friday, May 22nd- Field Trip to the Living Planet Aquarium 8:15-3:45
Tuesday, May 26th-Early Out at 1:00
Wednesday, May 27th- 3rd Grade Pizza Party and games
                               Early out at 1:00
Thursday, May 28th-Last day of School!
                               Field Day
                               Early out at 1:00