Homework for the Week of April 14, 2014

*****3rd Grade Homework Organizer*****

Directions: Always keep this in your homework folder. Print off required homework for each day from our Class Blog. Each day place a check in the box when you finish your homework. Have a parent initial the column and bring back this sheet every day in your homework folder. 

Students are required to read 20 minutes a day. Please record reading time on the attached document. It needs to be handed in every Friday.
Reading Log 


  • Students need to write a well thought out paragraph (at least 6 sentences) that answers all of the questions in the prompt. My Restaurant Due Friday.
  • Remember:

    1. Read the prompt 2 times! Once in your head, once out loud (quietly).

    2. Underline the important parts or questions.

    3. Restate the question.

    4. Write the rest of the paragraph. Don’t forget transitions!

    5. Edit for mistakes and make sure you answered all of the questions.

  • 20 minutes of reading
  • Ch 13-Lesson 2
  • Ch 13-Lesson 2 Key

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