End of Level Testing

It’s that time…End of Level Testing coming up!  I want to give you the dates and times for all of our testing times.  Please make sure that your child is well rested and given a good breakfast on these days.  Please arrange any doctor appointments or trips around these days and times if you can. Make up days will start May 19th.
Monday, April 21st @ 1:00-2:00- Writing Session #1
Wednesday, April 23rd @ 1:00-2:00- Writing Session #2

Wednesday, May 8th @ 9:20-10:20 English/Language Arts Session #1
Friday, May 12th @ 9:20-10:20 English/Language Arts Session #2

Wednesday, May 14th @ 1:00-2:00- Math Session #1
Friday, May 16th @ 2:00-3:00- Math Session #2

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