Homework (January 4-8)

Homework this week is due on Friday, January 8:

1- Math Homework:  
*Complete every other problem (alternate between evens and odds) on the worksheets that will be coming home in the blue folder on Monday.  Please check your child’s work for ACCURACY.
*Practice your math facts (addition and subtraction) regularly by utilizing any of the math facts activities listed here: Math Facts Activities
*NEW*!  As part of your Math Facts Activities Homework, include practice of your Addition Strategies Flash Cards.  
*Parents-please initial the “Math Homework” verification sheet attached to the worksheets and turn in on Friday.

2- Reading 20 minutes or more per day

3- Timed fluency practice click here: Timed Reading Fluency Practice

4- Weekly Word Sort and High Frequency Word homework.  Here is the link to print our weekly homework form: Weekly Homework Form 

High Frequency Words for this week are:
What time can you play?

SPELLING SENTENCE  7 POINTS POSSIBLE ON TEST (1 point for each correctly spelled word,  1 point for beginning the sentence with an uppercase letter, and 1 point for the correct punctuation mark at the end of the sentence.)

(Click on the group name to print your child’s sort)  
RED group (Blends- cr, cl, fl, fr): Kylee, Kendall, Mason, Kolby, Koby
YELLOW group (Blends- pr, tr, dr): Macie, Jed, Aiden, Boston
ORANGE group (short & long a): Abigail, Kaleb, Devon, Samantha, Izabella, Brittany, Emma, Evelyne, Jak
ODDBALL word: what
GREEN group 
(short & long u): Alex, Alexandria, Brooklyn, Riley  
ODDBALL word: put
BLUE group 
(short & long a): Tristen, Colter 
ODDBALL word: they

**Note: Many cards are pictures, please encourage your child to spell as much of the word as they can. Pictures are used so the students will listen to the letter sounds rather than just look for the letter that matches their header.

**Some guide words have a C or V combination on them – C stands for consonant and V stands for vowel.
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