Our Valentine’s Party is on February 14th from 10:45 to 12:00. Our Party will have four to five tables, depending on how many parent volunteers we have. Each student will rotate to each table. There will be 5 to 6 students in each rotation. Rotations will last 15 minutes. If you can volunteer click the link below to sign up.
From 12:00 – 12:20 students can pass out Valentines they brought from home. Of course, this is optional. Please bring something from home to hold your Valentines in. I will provide grocery sacks if you forget or would rather not bring one. We have 26 students in our class. Candy is okay with Valentine but cannot be eaten at school.
**NOTE** Permission slip is required to RECEIVE Valentines from other students. Please complete it here.
If you would like to volunteer, please sign up here. Please remember to indicate if you have an activity planned or if you need me to provide the activity.
We have won another class party. We will have the opportunity to use a blanket to make a “fort” at our desk. Feel free to bring one blanket to class tomorrow Thursday, Jan 30th.
It’s Parent Teacher Conference week. If you haven’t had a chance, please use this link to sign up. There are still plenty of spots open. Don’t forget to visit the book fair before or after your conference. If you cannot make it, email me and I can send home your student’s grades.
In ELA this week we will be diving into Drama to answer the question, “What can you discover when you give things a second look?’. We will be using visualization to understand the characters’ perspectives.
In Math, we are continuing to divide unit fractions in story problems. This will help us in real-world problem solving.
Lastly, in Science, we will start learning about matter conservation.
Important Dates:
Jan 29 – Parent-Teacher conferences and Early-out (1:10)
Jan 30 – Parent-Teacher conferences and Early-out (1:10)
Families, I hope everyone had an amazing holiday season! I just can’t believe we are about halfway through the school year and already into 2025. I appreciate all the lovely gifts I received! I can safely say I’ve used (and eaten) each and every one of them already! I’m looking forward to starting school tomorrow and hearing about everyone’s time off!
Note that Middle of the Year (MOY) acadience testing will start on January 13th. They have been working so hard, and I can’t wait to see how much they have improved since the beginning of the year. As always, the best thing to strengthen their reading skills is to read at home daily.
We are going to spend this first week back to school reviewing what we have already learned, finishing any makeup exams, and beginning our iReady Diagnostic MOY testing. Parent Teacher Conferences are in three weeks and I plan to have signups posted by the end of the week.
Dates to note:
Jan 13 – Acadience MOY Testing
Jan 20 – No School (Martin Luther King Jr. Day)
Jan 24 – Dollar Dress Down
Jan 29 – Parent-Teacher conferences and Early-out (1:10)
Jan 30 – Parent-Teacher conferences and Early-out (1:10)
What a busy week we have ahead of us! Can you believe it is already the end of 2024? Here are some reminders and weekly updates to look forward to.
We go outside UNLESS it is below 20 degrees, please send your student with warm clothing.
ONLY water in a leakproof bottle is allowed in the classroom. If you send your student with hot cocoa or similar beverages they will need to finish them outside before school starts.
If your student has not passed any previously taught standards, I will send home math packets to work on during winter break.
Keep those reading skills strong by remembering to read at least 20 minutes a day!
Please do not send your student with gifts for other students unless they have a gift for the entire class. Gifts will need to be exchanged before or after school.
If you are interested in gifting to our classroom, we are in need of Black Expo Markers, Tissues, and Cleaning Wipes.
Our Winter Party is on December 20th from 10:45 to 12:00. Our Winter Party will have four to five tables, depending on how many parent volunteers we have. Each student will rotate to each table. There will be 5 to 6 students in each rotation. Rotations will last 15 minutes. If you can volunteer click the link below to sign up. Thanks!
ELA: We will learn to ask and answer questions from expository texts to determine their text structure and explain how text structure contributes to the overall meaning of the text. Additionally, we will practice phonics with an emphasis on vowel team syllables, enhancing our reading and pronunciation skills.
Math: We will use an area model to visualize finding a fraction of a fraction. Then, we will begin using equations.
Science: We will unpack properties, changes, and conservation of matter. We will work with this standard until February.