Dec 18 2013

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Published by under Uncategorized

Sciencepalooza was amazing! I can’t believe I didn’t get any pictures!

Homework: Read for 20 minutes or more.

22 responses so far

Dec 17 2013

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Published by under Uncategorized

Great field trip! {pictures brought to us by our class photographer, Megan!}
Thank you to all of our wonderful chaperones! And nice job Isaac! You make us proud!

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This half of the pictures brought to you by one of our wonderful chaperones, Mrs. Mindrum! Thanks!!

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15 responses so far

Dec 16 2013

{Nutcracker Field Trip Information}

Published by under Uncategorized

We are to meet at the FrontRunner Station in Roy {4155 S. Sandridge Road} by 8:30 am. We will then depart on our long journey to Ogden….

We will walk down to the Christmas Village and walk around to see all of the cute villagers and then head over to Peery’s Egyptian Theater to watch the famous Isaac perform. Following which we will eat lunch and then head over to the Union Station to check out the trains and such.

We will catch the earliest train from Ogden to Roy, which will be at 3:09p and get back to the Roy station by 3:17p. Please pick your child up at the station shortly following our return.

If parents who are chaperoning would rather take their student and meet us at the Ogden Station they are welcome to do so. Any parent that wishes to take thier child home after the ballet, is also welcome to do so. I will have a check out sheet with me so that you do not have to come back to the school to check them out. { I need to know tonight if you are transporting your own child so that I do not purchase a ticket for them tomorrow, please!}

Looking forward to a FaNtaStiCal day!!!

26 responses so far

Dec 16 2013

Monday, December 16, 2013

Published by under Language Arts,Science

What a great day! Thank you for being so flexible in moving rooms all day long!

Great job on your humanities project, Eli!

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Math: None…My first gift to you! We have task card review this week!

WTW: None….my second gift to you! We will do word review this week!

Science: None for homework! We will be doing several labs with electricity!

Read for 20 minutes or more!

Fun with Reaction Time from the Discovery Gateway!

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12 responses so far

Dec 15 2013

Sunday, December 15, 2013

Published by under Uncategorized

If anyone has a stapler they are able to bring to school tomorrow for Eli’s humanities project, that would be great! If it is a tiny one, then that is even better! thanks!

No responses yet

Dec 13 2013

Friday, December 13, 2013

Published by under Uncategorized

Have a terrific weekend!!

17 responses so far

Dec 12 2013

Thursday, December 12, 2013

Tomorrow is dollar dress down!

We have a busy week of amazing activities next week! In order for each student to participate in the activities, I have sent home a permission slip for them all! We have already received almost everyone’s permission slip for the Nutcracker on Tuesday {ANY parent who wishes to attend may! We currently have 14 chaperones, just so ya know! The more the merrier!!}, so now we will have one for all of the rest of the shenanigans of the week!  {it is also on the blog under the heading PARTY!!!}

Science: Please bring in a C or D battery (borrow one from a flashlight…as long as it works!) for our electricity lab.
SPOW due tomorrow.
WTW: speed sort and glue

Math: Estimate and then solve the actual problem.
1. 6.3 x 12.4
2. 9.5 x 12.32
3. 203.1 x 45.3

Missing work: I sent home a print out of missing assignments with any student that had any. Please sign and return the form. Any assignments listed and that can be found on the blog, may be completed for partial credit. Please return by Monday, December 16.

28 responses so far

Dec 11 2013

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Hour of code was a blast! I am glad you enjoyed making greeting cards at Khan Academy and creating a video game at Tynker!

Chili’s Fundraiser tonight until 10pm!

WTW: Write the syllables for each word {example = 3}
Math: 3 problems showing understanding of decimal models
Read at least 20 minutes
Did you know that your SPOW is due on Friday, December 13? Like, in two days?  🙂

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19 responses so far

Dec 10 2013

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Great Humanities Project, Breanna!

A packet went home with a parent signature form and the need for a parent signature on a test too!
{Don’t forget about your SPOW…it is due on Friday!}
WTW: Define all  your words

Read for at least 20 minutes

Math: Lesson 3 Enrich

{We are looking to have our Christmas Party on Friday, December 20 from about 10a – 12p. I completely spaced asking if there was any parent interested in planning it until this morning, when I realized that it was only a week and three days away…any last minute takers?}
{photos taken by our class photographer, Jacob!}
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35 responses so far

Dec 09 2013

Monday, December 9, 2013

Can you believe that we only have four more days until your SPOW is due?!

Read at least 20 minutes
Math: Lesson 1 Enrich
WTW: Sort and alphabetize

28 responses so far

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