Feb 09 2013

<3 Valentine List <3

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Third Graders: Noah B Jessie Kayla Justin Brinley Alyssa Bryan Tyler Emily Noah R Grayson Madison Fourth Graders: Ethan B McCartney Eli Leah Tyler D Braxton Isaac Joshua Tyler M Ethan O Jackson Braden  

14 responses so far

Feb 07 2013

Thursday, February 7

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We will miss our Hannah, but we are sure she will love Idaho! We will be having a Valentine Party, so any parents who wish to volunteer will be more than welcome! {a list of names will be posted tomorrow. students should also plan on bringing in a decorated box for their Valentines. if one is not provided, they will be given a bag to place their Valentines in.} As a part of the Valentine Day activities, we will be doing an activity with conversation hearts . Please complete and return the permissions slip so that your student will be allowed to use the hearts. Otherwise, another manipulative will be provided. Homework: Third: IXL A4, read and record, practice your multiplication facts Fourth:  IXL C3, read and record, practice your multiplication facts, work on your Wax Museum and Biography projects.            

29 responses so far

Feb 06 2013

Wednesday, February 6

Published by under Homework,Language Arts,Math

Wasn’t the Science Fair great at Quest 2.0?! Homework: Fourth: IXL B3, read and record on your reading log, practice multiplication facts, be sure to have your brainstorm page ready for Monday! Third: IXL A3, read and record on your reading log, practice multiplication facts. Have a great evening!

20 responses so far

Feb 05 2013

Tuesday, February 5

Published by under Homework,Language Arts,Math

It is nice to be back! Fourth graders have been given a project today for the Wax Museum. The due dates are listed on the first page. This is a Fourth Grade wide project, not just our class. If there are any questions, please let me know! {Their is a typo…the Night at the Museum will be on February 28th, not the 29th…there is no 29th this month….} We are going to begin reviewing material, so students will be doing IXL to review math concepts. Please expect to see an assignment each evening from IXL, Words Their Way, reading, and practice multiplication. Third Grade: IXL B4, practice your Words Their Way words, read and record on your reading log, Multiplication fact practice. Fourth Grade IXL A4,practice your Words Their Way words, read and record on your reading log, multiplication fact practice. {Your Brainstorm page is due tomorrow for your Heritage Project}

38 responses so far

Jan 31 2013

Thursday, January 31

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I though that I would share that I overheard a doctor say something I have always said too….There are no silly questions, just the ones that you don’t ask! <3 it!! Be sure to read and practice your math facts tonight! See ya Monday!

24 responses so far

Jan 31 2013

Did you see our cute Fourth Graders!?

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Jan 30 2013

Wednesday, January 30

100th Day of school!!!!HAPPY 100th DAY OF SCHOOL!!! We did many 100th day of school activities! Homework: Read and record on reading log. Work on ABC Astronomy. Practice your multiplication facts. **Fourth Graders have dress down tomorrow and Fat Boy ice cream sandwiches tomorrow at lunch. If you do not want your student to have the ice cream at lunch, please let me know. Otherwise all Fourth Graders will receive one.** HAVE A FANTASTIC EVENING! {I will not be here on Thursday or Friday due to Mr. Tucker needing surgery…see you on Monday!}

34 responses so far

Jan 29 2013

Tuesday, January 29

Published by under Homework,Language Arts,Math

Oh the SnOw!!! Homework: Read and record on your log. Work on multiplication facts! {check out IXL for a quick way to practice your facts!} Work on Astronomy ABC’s…due on February 5 {Several students wanted to bring in something made with 100 items for the 100th day of school tomorrow. It is an optional activity and they must bring whatever they want already complete and ready to share.} Have a fabulous evening!

33 responses so far

Jan 28 2013

CoNgRaTuLaTiOnS Fourth Graders!

Published by under Uncategorized

The 4th grade students have earned a special lunch dessert for Thursday for meeting the Fastt Math challenge!!! Fat Boy ice cream sandwiches will be available for students for lunchtime dessert on Thursday…whether the student has Vie Gourmet lunch or home lunch. Please notify me if you DO NOT want your child to partake of the dessert.


2 responses so far

Jan 28 2013

Monday, January 28

Published by under Homework,Language Arts,Math

Thanks for the birthday wishes! Homework: Read and record on reading log. Practice your multiplication facts! Have a great evening!  

38 responses so far

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