Jan 08 2013

Tuesday, January 8

Published by under Homework,Math

What a fantabulous day! Homework: Read 20 minutes and record in planner. {if you have not turned in your reading log, please return it tomorrow} Complete the following division problems: {show your work and your check} 1. 41/8     2. 28/3     3. 69/7     4. 250/5     5. 49000/7     challenge: 718/8   Just a quick FYI: ***I am having a bit of difficulty creating pages on the blog. What this means is that when I upload items to Qactube to place on the blog, they are getting stuck. I have informed those who should be able to help me out…so we will hopefully have this remediated quickly. That is why parts of the Astronomy Projects are not posted on the blog…*** Service Learning Opportunity: We will be making Valentines for Primary Children’s Hospital as our next Service Learning activity on Friday. If anyone wants to come in and help, donate glitter, stickers, valentiney paper…we would lOvE to have you and any items to donate. We will be working on them from 10 – 11 am. Thank you in advance!!  

38 responses so far

Jan 07 2013

Monday, January 7

Published by under Homework

Welcome back! I have missed your shiny, happy faces! Homework: Read 20 minutes and record in your planner. Words Their Way sorts will be passed out tomorrow. New levels were tested for this next part of the year. Work on your ABC Astronomy book. {Due dates for astronomy projects are as follows: Group Planet project: Due January 18. Individual Planet project: due January 25. ABC Astronomy book: due February 1.} {From the PE teachers: “For recess & PE this week, we will have the kids IN the snow.  Sitting on sleds/pulling sleds, running in the snow. Please encourage the kids to bring WARM  coats, boots, gloves, hats, and even snowpants if they have them.  Anything & everything we can do to keep them as dry and warm as possible.”}

36 responses so far

Dec 21 2012

Friday, December 21

Published by under Uncategorized

Have a wonderful Christmas Break! I will miss your cute faces…..see you in 2013!

16 responses so far

Dec 20 2012

Thursday, December 20

Published by under Uncategorized

Fourth Grade reindeer games were awesome! Fourth Graders: We have all the supplies we need for the Polar Express party tomorrow. If you signed up to bring something, please remember it! Remember, you may wear your pajamas if you wish. Third Graders: Don’t forget your White Elephant gift and come prepared to play some reindeer games! FREE DRESS DOWN TOMORROW!!!!  EARLY DAY TOO!!!!!

21 responses so far

Dec 19 2012

Wednesday, December 19

Published by under Homework

We have almost finished all of the blankets! And we even made Mrs. Rounds cry….with joy!!! They look amazing! {Thank you to all of the parents who have volunteered! You RoCk!} Homework: Read 20 minutes or more and record on your reading log. Be prepared to have a fantabulous day!!! Fourth Graders: don’t forget your white elephant gift for the party at 2pm! Comment on the blog…   ***Just an FYI: The email system is being wonky and will be down today. We are hoping it will be up and running tomorrow! Thanks for your patience! ***

32 responses so far

Dec 18 2012

Tuesday, December 18

Published by under Homework

Again…an amazing day! I can hardly believe how well the blankets are turning out! homework: Read 20 minutes and record on reading log. Comment on the blog. Have a great evening! {If you have not returned a letter of recommendation, they are still being accepted…} {Don’t forget your White Elephant Gift Exchange}

40 responses so far

Dec 17 2012

Monday, December 17

Published by under Homework

What a day! You would be so proud of your students! The blanket adventure is off and running! They have picked up the skill quickly and are becoming snazzy stitchers! We will most likely be finished with the blankets by Wednesday. Homework: Read 20 minutes and record on reading log. {For the Christmas parties we are planning a White Elephant gift exchange. We discussed that they can bring in a book they have read and are ready to part with, a gently used toy, anything that they would be ok with receiving. Some students wanted to purchase an item and that is fine, as long as the value is $5 or less. If you have any questions, please let me know! Thanks!}  

30 responses so far

Dec 14 2012

Friday, December 14

Published by under Uncategorized

Update on the blanket project: Any parent who wishes to volunteer next week, we will not need sewing machines….a FaBuLoUs volunteer has sewn them up and the kiddos will be putting their special stiches in place. Scissors of a sharper nature would be the only thing that may help us out! Thanks for all you do!

6 responses so far

Dec 13 2012

Thursday, December 13

Published by under Homework,Language Arts

Tonight’s homework: Work on finding words for your ABC Astronomy book.Read for 20 minutes and record on your reading log. Tomorrow is library, don’t forget your library books! ***Tomorrow is $1 dress down!!!*** {Parents: We are working on an elf application. Students need a letter of recommendation for their preferred job. Please ask them what they are applying for and write them a letter of recommendation. I would love to have them by Tuesday, December  18, Thanks!!} **We will be having our Christmas Parties for the Third Grade on Friday  from 12 to 1 and the Fourth grade on Thursday from 2p – 3p. Any parents who would like to volunteer, would be welcome! Please email me if you are interested in helping out!** If there are any parents who would like to help out with the blankets, please let me know days and times! Thanks so much!!

34 responses so far

Dec 13 2012

Please check SIS for any missing assignments….

Published by under Homework

All missing assignments will be accepted as late for partial credit if turned in by Friday, December 21.

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