Dec 12 2012


Published by under Homework,Math

Today is a magical day! Tonight for homework: Read 20 minutes and record on your reading log. Finish your 12-12-12 challenge you started in class.   {We will be sewing blankets everyday next week from 1 – 3pm. We welcome all volunteers and their sewing machines!} Did you know?  Number crunchers have a profound respect for the number 12, mainly because of its divisibility capabilities. After all, it can divided into halves, thirds, fourths, sixths, and twelfths. So it can only be assumed that mathematicians will find 12/12/12 to be three times more exciting than a normal “12” day. Have a great evening!

24 responses so far

Dec 10 2012

Monday, December 10

Published by under Homework,Math

Read for 20 minutes and record in your planner Find and bring in a graph from the newspaper, internet, or even a magazine. Bring in your decorated box for the Boxes of Hope project.

30 responses so far

Dec 07 2012

Friday, December 7

Published by under Uncategorized

Have a great weekend!! Please remember that you need to bring a wrapped box for our buddy boxes by Wednesday!

12 responses so far

Dec 06 2012

Thursday, December 6

Published by under Homework

Grandparents Night is tonight from 5 – 7 pm. I will be here! Homework: Read 20 minutes and log it! Comment on the blog….everyday!

38 responses so far

Dec 05 2012

Tuesday, December 5

Published by under Homework,Language Arts,Math

Rainy day… Homework for tonight: Read for 20 minutes and record on your reading log. Find an object in the house to measure the perimeter and area of. Record the measurements and item in your planner. {for example: If I pick my nightstand, I will measure the top of it to find the length and width. Then I will add all the sides to get the perimeter. Lastly I will multiply the length and width to get the area. I will record all of this information in my planner, under the Mathematics section Write a list of any other adjectives you would like to include on your Wordle. Have a splashtastic evening! ****dont’ forget that tomorrow is Grandparents Night…5 – 7 pm**** I will be here…smiling!

39 responses so far

Dec 04 2012

Tuesday, December 4

Published by under Homework

Homework: Be awesome!!!! {ok, well, you already are!!!} Read for 20 minutes and record on your reading log. Check out the stars tonight…if it is not too cloudy, and see if there are any constellations that you can figure out from the ones that we looked at today in class. {like Leo the Lion, Orion, The Big Dipper, Little Dipper, etc}

36 responses so far

Dec 03 2012

Monday, December 3

Published by under Homework

Wow…December?! A few items for the calendar… December 6: Grandparents Night 5 – 7 pm December 7: Constellation Project due {completed in class} January 11: Own Planet Creation due {Class and home completion} Week of December 17 – 20: We will be working on a service learning project where we will be making blankets for  a Women’s Shelter. Any parent who would like to help is welcome. We will be working on them from 1pm until about 2:45 pm everyday. December 21: We will be having a Christmas Party….more details to come! {short day and $1 dress down} January 18: Group planet   HOMEWORK: read 20 minutes and record on log Come in prepared to create constellation and discuss own planet project further.

30 responses so far

Nov 30 2012

30 November

Published by under Uncategorized

This class is out of this world! Great job on Brainiacs, thank you for understanding that I could not see them all! I sure missed out! Have a great weekend!

20 responses so far

Nov 29 2012

Thursday, November 29

Published by under Uncategorized

Homework for Third and Fourth Grade: Read for 20 minutes and record on log. Brainiac is due tomorrow. **Don’t forget it is a short day and $1 or more dress down tomorrow**

26 responses so far

Nov 28 2012

Wednesday, November 28

Published by under Homework,Science

Oh boy! We have started our Astronomy Unit! Fabulous things are about to occur! Blast off! Third and Fourth Grade Homework: Read 20 minutes and record on reading log. Brainiac due on November 30. {Be thinking about “your” planet…flag….shape…name…goods and services…} Have an out of this world evening!

44 responses so far

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