Nov 27 2012

Tuesday, November 27

Published by under Homework

The Presidential Puppet Show was amazing! I have uploaded the videos to to Qactube. Unfortunately, when they were processed and uploaded, they turned to the left. We are working on fixing it, but it involves an app, re-uploading, etc… and I really wanted them up now. So….tilt to the left and enjoy! Thank you parents for attending!! Homework for Third and Fourth Graders: Read for 20 minutes and record on reading log. Brainiac is due on Friday, November 30. {We will present them at 8:45am if any parents would like to view them}. Have a fantabulous Tuesday!

40 responses so far

Nov 26 2012

Monday, November 26

Published by under Homework,Math

Welcome back from a refreshing break! Homework for Third and Fourth Graders: Read 20 minutes and record in your planner….no new logs yet… Book Report is due tomorrow…bring in your puppet and your 3×5 card with at least 8 facts. {we will be putting on the “puppet show” at 8:45am. I will record and put them up on the blog too…} Brainiac is due on Friday…. Find the factors for the numbers 42, 24, and 81 using a factor tree and then a rainbow. { for example:  45  } /\ 5   9 /\ 3   3   1, 3, 5, 9, 15,45    

41 responses so far

Nov 19 2012

Monday, November 19

Published by under Homework

I am grateful to have such a wonderful group of kiddos this year! Have a great holiday! Homework for Third and Fourth Grade: There is only 20 minutes of reading, recorded in their planner, as homework this week!

40 responses so far

Nov 16 2012

Friday, November 16

Published by under Uncategorized

Thankful for an amazing group of kiddos to spend my days with! Have a great weekend! Don’t forget to turn in reading logs this Monday! Recorded homework packets went home today…    

14 responses so far

Nov 15 2012

Thursday, November 15

Published by under Homework

We are beginning a unit on Thanksgiving…did you know that it took 65  days to get to Plimoth? Homework for Third and Fourth Graders: Read 20 minutes and record on reading log. Complete the following division problems: 2/362          5/465           8/743 Comment on the blog. We will have an art project tomorrow….please make sure you have a bottle of white glue {Elmer’s glue, liquid glue…get it?} If it is ok with the Third Grade parents, we will all eat lunch together at 12:30….{preferably nothing needing heating..}

42 responses so far

Nov 14 2012

Wednesday, November 14

Published by under Homework

It makes me so excited to see how much everyone is enjoying writing their NANOWRIMO! Remember, it is not a homework assignment! You may write at home if you wish, but it is not required! Homework for Third and Fourth Grade: Read 20 minutes and record on your reading log. Disguise your turkey… 🙂 be creative! Due Friday! Division practice sheet.

28 responses so far

Nov 13 2012

Tuesday, November 13

Published by under Homework

We are all back together! Thanks for being the awesome kiddos I know you to be! Homework For Third and Fourth Graders Division practice read 20 minutes and record on reading log Comment on the blog * I hope you are filling in your Gratitude Calendar…it is due on November 30* Book Report on a President due November 27 {Remember: you are creating a puppet and writing down 8 or more facts about your president to be presented in a puppet show format} {200 word} Brainiac due November 30 …A new SPOW will be passed out in January…

43 responses so far

Nov 09 2012

Friday, November 9

Published by under Uncategorized

***Happy Snowy Weekend!***

15 responses so far

Nov 08 2012

Thursday, November 8

Published by under Homework

Ask your kiddo about the “lettuce” method… Homework For Third and Fourth Grade: Read 20 minutes and record on reading log. Spelling test tomorrow. Library is tomorrow. {We are working on a project for science/social studies/writing/art/awesomeness that involves leaves, twigs, and creating a leaf critter. Students may bring in leaves, twigs, or small pieces of nature to create this critter}

43 responses so far

Nov 07 2012

Wednesday, November 7

Published by under Homework

We had a great time learning about art today! {Thank you Mrs. Pittman!} Homework for Third and Fourth Graders Read 20 minutes and record on your reading log. Practice your Words Their Way spelling words. {SPOW due tomorrow.} Practice our class theme song!

53 responses so far

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