Oct 10 2012

October 10

Published by under Homework

Your kiddos are aMaZiNg!!! Ask them about the new game they learned today!! Homework for Third and Fourth Grade: SPOW due 10/16 Brainiac due 10/25 October Book Report due 10/29 Read 20 minutes and record on reading log. Fun….due NOW!

34 responses so far

Oct 09 2012

October 9

Published by under Homework

Third and Fourth Homework: Read 20 minutes and record on your reading log. Finish your “Me in the World” with two facts on the back of each section. SPOW due October 16. Brainiac due October 25. Book Report due October 29. Comment on the blog…..a meaningful comment… {Students who are missing any assignments received that list today in their agenda. They have until Friday to make up any assignments and will receive half credit}

58 responses so far

Oct 08 2012

October 8

Published by under Homework

Onward and forward through this exciting week! Third and Fourth Grade Homework: Social Studies: Draw and color the world map according to Columbus and the world we know now and finish “If I Discovered America” Read for 2o minutes and record on reading log.   With all of the internet issues and servers being down…the October Book Report will be posted tomorrow…hopefully! Thanks!  
A shot of a pumpkin, focused on its stem.
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42 responses so far

Oct 05 2012

Friday, October 5

Published by under Uncategorized

Yahoo! We made it another week! AND what a fantabulous week it was! Remember…reading logs are due on Monday… I have the new ones already! **** Totally Awesome Book Report Project being announced on Monday!!!!**** Have an equally fantastic weekend! Mrs. Tucker
Beach shoes
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20 responses so far

Oct 04 2012

Thursday, October 4

Published by under Homework

What a grand day at This Is the Place! Thank you Fourth Graders for a great field trip! Pictures to come….. Thank you Third Graders for being so wonderful at school! YOU ARE ALL SO WONDERFULLYFANTASTICALLYAMAZINGLYAWESOME!   HOMEWORK: Read for twenty minutes, practice spelling words, and comment on the blog! Ya’ll rOcK!
location where the Mormons entered the Salt La...
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43 responses so far

Oct 03 2012

Wednesday, October 3

Published by under Homework

Wonderful middle of the week! Third Grade Homework: Read 20 minutes and record on their reading log Practice your spelling words Write your regular Saturday schedule   Fourth Graders: Read 20 minutes and record on their reading log Practice your spelling words **FIELD TRIP TOMORROW! DON”T FORGET YOUR WATER BOTTLE, BACKPACK, HOME LUNCH, AND LIGHT JACKET/SWEATER. YOU MAY BRING A CAMERA….NO MONEY, PLEASE! WE WILL BE LEAVING AT 8:40AM….DO NOT BE LATE!**

42 responses so far

Oct 02 2012

Tuesday, October 2

Published by under Homework,Math

I still can’t believe it is October!   {Third Grade Homework:} Read for 20 minutes and record on reading log. Next Brainiac Project is due October 25, 100 words or more and a technology visual. The next SPOW is due October 16. Create a list of  5 items with faces and verticies and post them to the blog.   {Fourth Grade Homework:} Read for 20 minutes and record on reading log. Next Brainiac Project is due October 25, 100 words or more and a technology visual. The next SPOW is due October 16. Write up your schedule for a typical Saturday. **Field Trip on Thursday…bring a water bottle, sweater or light jacket, backpack, and home lunch**   Words Their Way Lists Blue 5 Blue 6 Blue 7 Blue 18 Blue 20 Green 34 Green 35 Green 39 Green 40 Green 41 Green 43

56 responses so far

Oct 01 2012

Monday, October 1

Published by under Homework

It is hard to believe it is already October! The leaves are changing and it is cooler!

Homework for Third Graders: Read 20 minutes and record it on your reading log. comment on the blog Citrus SPOW due tomorrow. Find and bring in a small representation of a solid figure. Homework for Fourth Graders:   **BE SURE TO BRING IN YOUR $3 DONATION FOR THE FIELD TRIP BY WEDNESDAY** Read 20 minutes and record it on your reading log. Comment on the blog Citrus SPOW is due tomorrow Create 5 division word problems and sketch them out. {Sara has a  farm. She has 15 peach trees to plant in three rows. How many in each row?} __15 total trees_______ ?             ?                 ? __________________ ***** PARENTS: PLEASE MAKE SURE YOU ARE SIGNED UP FOR A CONFERENCE TIME! IF YOU ARE NOT GOING TO BE HERE, PLEASE MAKE OTHER ARRANGEMENTS! thanks
English: Fall leaves in Eugene, Oregon
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43 responses so far

Sep 28 2012


Published by under Uncategorized

Wow! I am so impressed with the Brainiac projects! We had a few computer glitches, but other than that…they did a phenomenal job! Have a great weekend! Mrs. Tucker
Flagler Beach

Flagler Beach (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

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10 responses so far

Sep 27 2012


Published by under Homework

We planted our bulbs today…now to wait until Spring! Ask your student about how to plant a bulb! {Thank you Mrs. Rich for helping us out!}
Tulips in Keukenhof,

Tulips in Keukenhof, (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Homework for Third and Fourth Grade: Read for twenty minutes, at least, and record on your reading log! Spelling test tomorrow. SPOW is due October 2 {just as an fyi…when your student completes their project, they are welcome to turn it in…even if it is early!} Comment on the blog. Tomorrow we will be finishing up the Brainiac presentations at 11 for Fourth Grade and and noon for the Third Grade! *** Don’t forget that tomorrow is short day and dollar dress down!!!*** Have a terrific evening! Mrs. Tucker
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