Apr 17 2014

Thursday, April 17, 2014

Published by under Uncategorized

We are able to wear our Apple T-shirts tomorrow as part of our uniform!

Spelling Contract due
Read for 20 minutes or more

The gum permission slip went home today. Please return it by Monday morning. Thanks!!

Pencils and Raffle tickets for the school carnival on May 16 went home today. Please be sure to return the money and/or unsold pencils next week. There will be more available, if you would like!

21 responses so far

Apr 16 2014

Wednesday, April 16,2014

Published by under Uncategorized

What a great field trip!! Thanks chaperones for making this such a fun adventure!

{If you bring in your project, I will put it on the blog!}

_MG_3129 _MG_3124 _MG_3119 _MG_3108 _MG_3107 _MG_3106 _MG_3105 _MG_3086 _MG_3084 _MG_3083 _MG_3082 _MG_3081 _MG_3080 _MG_3078 _MG_3075 _MG_3064 _MG_3056 _MG_3054 _MG_3052 _MG_3048 _MG_3049 _MG_3046 _MG_3045 _MG_3042 _MG_3041 _MG_3039_2 _MG_3040 _MG_3038_2 _MG_3037 _MG_3035 _MG_3036 _MG_3034 _MG_3032 _MG_3031 _MG_3030 _MG_3029 _MG_3028 _MG_3026 _MG_3025 _MG_3024_2 _MG_3022_2 _MG_3020 _MG_3019 _MG_3018 _MG_3016_2 _MG_3014 _MG_3012_2 _MG_3013 _MG_3010_2 _MG_3008_2 _MG_3007

here are a couple of student iMovies from the Apple Store adventure! {Malya and Aubry}  (Tyler D and Jacob)

18 responses so far

Apr 15 2014

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Published by under Math,Words Your Way

Our Field Trip to the Apple Store is tomorrow!!! Please meet at the Roy Front Runner Station by 8:30. Don’t forget to bring a lunch, water bottle, jacket, and a flash drive with up to 15 pictures to practice with. I will have the passes for students and chaperones. At this time I have the following parents chaperoning: Mrs. Rogers, Mrs. Bird, Mr. Endo, Mr. Mindrum, Mrs. Day, Mrs. Davis {Leah}, Mr. Hutchinson, Mr. Judkins, Mrs. Clark, Mr. Bramwell, Mrs. Pio, Ms. Savage, Mr. Marsh, and Mr. Heath. If there are any changes, please let me know ASAP because I will be purchasing the tickets tonight at 4:15pm.

Just some deadline updates: The projects we are working on are IN CLASS projects, to reinforce learning, provide review, and to provide an academically fun activity after testing is complete for a day:
Pet Rock project: Due April 30
State Report: Due May 9
Stop Motion Video Book Report: Due May 16. {The viewing of videos will take place this day at 10am. They will also be placed on the blog for viewing at home}

{Also, Fifth grade maturation will be on Thursday, MAY 15th from 4:30 to 5:00. We will have the girls presentation in Mrs. Shelton’s room and the boys presentation in Ms. Favero’s room. A letter with a link to the video will be sent home in the next few weeks so that parents will be able to preview the information being presented.}

Math: CH10 L7 My Homework
Spelling Contract
Bring in a rock by Thursday

16 responses so far

Apr 11 2014

Friday, April 11, 2014

Published by under Science

What a great week! So many things learned, adventures had, and giggles! Have a great weekend!!! {I will be out on Monday! See you on Tuesday!}

{A Pet Rock project was handed out today. It is due April 30.  It is an IN CLASS PROJECT! {except for the procurement of a rock by Tuesday, April 15} Please do not stress about it at home. All of the recent projects have been assigned so that there are fun things to do after testing that still have an educational component. ALL of the projects are in class projects, with little that needs to be done at home.}

5 responses so far

Apr 10 2014

Thursday, April 10, 2014

Published by under Language Arts,Math

Wow!! Can you believe it is Thursday?!? Great day out in the sun and running around!

Math: My Homework Ch10L4
Spelling contract due tomorrow
Read for 20 minutes or more {Remember your book report book needs to be finished by April 25…with notes and ideas ready to go!}

15 responses so far

Apr 09 2014

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Published by under Language Arts,Math

Beautiful Spring day!!

Math: My Homework Ch10 L2
Spelling Contract
Read for at least 20 minutes

IF you did not finish your Spring essay, please finish it and return it by tomorrow morning….thanks!

23 responses so far

Apr 08 2014

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Published by under Language Arts,Math

Hope you had a great day!
Math: Even problems on Am I Ready?
Spelling Contract

**Don’t forget that there is tutoring in the mornings from 8am – 8:20 am on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursdays. All are invited!**

As a calendaring note:
Fifth grade maturation will be on Thursday, May 15th from 4:30 to 5:00.

17 responses so far

Apr 07 2014

Monday, April 7, 2014

Published by under Language Arts,Math

Welcome back!

Today, the rubric for the State Report was handed out, as well as for the book report project {the stop motion video}. They can also be found on the blog at the top of the page.

Spelling this week is a review of common words used on tests. There is still a contract due on Friday.

The permission slip for the Apple Store was handed out today too…it is due by April 10

Math: None…we had a pretest and STAR Math test.
Spelling: Contract due on Friday

33 responses so far

Mar 28 2014

Friday, March 28, 2014

Published by under Uncategorized

have a fantabulous spring break!

16 responses so far

Mar 27 2014

Thursday, March 27, 2014

Published by under Uncategorized

Can you believe that storm!? So crazy!?!?!?

Math: March Math Calendar due tomorrow
WTW: Spelling Contract due tomorrow.
Read 20 minutes or more.

**dollar dress down and short day tomorrow!**

{As an FYI: We are going to the Apple Store and Clark Planetarium on April 16. We can take as many chaperones as would like to attend. In order to receive the most fantabulous Apple Tshirt, I need to have student and adult t-shirt sizes by Friday so the Apple Store can order them (child small, medium, or large OR adult small, medium, large, x-l, or 2xl). Even if you think you want to come, let me know. It is easier to cancel than add!  THANKS!!!}

37 responses so far

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