Mar 26 2014

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

What a fabulous field trip yesterday! Thank you to our wonderful chaperones: Mrs. Judkins, Mrs. Davis, Mrs. Davis, Mrs. Mindrum, Mr. Barker, Mr. Heath, and Mr. Kelly! I cannot begin to tell you what a difference it makes having such fabulous parents chaperoning on our field trips! You all rOcK!!
{As an FYI: We are going to the Apple Store and Clark Planetarium on April 16. We can take as many chaperones as would like to attend. In order to receive the most fantabulous Apple Tshirt, I need to have student and adult t-shirt sizes by Friday so they can order them. THANKS!!!}

Thank you to our class photographers for the pictures!

IMG_1877 IMG_1878 IMG_1879 IMG_1880Bees!! IMG_1882 IMG_1883

Can you see the shape of a head?

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WTW: Spelling Contract
Math: My Homework Ch9 L13 Test tomorrow.
Math At Home Calendar due Friday!
Book Report Books need to be approved by April 9 or you will receive a zero.

Great job showing us all the tools we have learned from Mrs. Coombs, Joshua!!

IMG_0710 IMG_0711 IMG_0730 IMG_0732

21 responses so far

Mar 24 2014

Monday, March 24, 2014

Published by under Math,Words Your Way

Beautiful day! Great start to a great week!!

Remember: We are not meeting at the school tomorrow…please meet us at the Roy FrontRunner station by 8:30am. Please eat a good breakfast since we won’t be having lunch until about 1pm. Bring a snack, if you would like and a water bottle. Don’t forget your lunch!! If you order school lunch, please be sure to cancel it for Tuesday. Please wear a white shirt and uniform pants, blue preferably. Wear comfortable shoes and a jacket because it will be chilly in the morning. You may bring your backpack to carry your belongings in.
We will be returning to the station around 2:45pm.

Homework: {Bring in on Wednesday}
WTW: Spelling Contract
Math: My Homework Chapter 9 Lesson 9

25 responses so far

Mar 21 2014

Friday, March 21, 2014

Published by under Language Arts

Have a super fantastical weekend!

Just a reminder that we have a field trip on Tuesday…if your child has school lunch scheduled for that day, please cancel it.

Historical Fiction Book Reports were great! {they are  s  l  o  w  l   y   uploading to QACTube…when they are uploaded I will put them on the blog}











Tyler M







Ethan B

Ethan O






Tyler D

9 responses so far

Mar 20 2014

Thursday, March 20, 2014

Published by under Math,Words Your Way

Happy first day of Spring!! Did you know it is also International Day of Happiness?! Happy day!!

Don’t forget tomorrow is dollar dress down! Don’t forget your box tops, labels for education, and coke rewards!

WTW: Spelling Contract due tomorrow
Math: My Homework Chapter 9 Lesson 9

Book Report Due tomorrow…parents, as always, are invited to view! Presentations will be from 9:30 – 10:30.

Permission slips for the Symphony Field Trip are due tomorrow….
{Parent Volunteers for this trip are as follows: Ms. Davis, Ms. Davis, Ms. Mindrum, Mr. Kelly, Mr. Judkins, Mr. Barker, and Mr. Heath. THANK YOU!!!! your transportation costs are covered…}

18 responses so far

Mar 19 2014

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Published by under Math,Words Your Way

What a hApPy day!

WTW: Spelling Contract
Math: Chapter 9 Lesson 8

SPOW due tomorrow.  Book Report due on Friday.

17 responses so far

Mar 18 2014

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Published by under Math,Words Your Way

Beautiful day! Great adventures with fingerprinting!

WTW: Spelling Contract
Math: None tonight 🙂

Don’t forget your SPOW is due on March 20 and your Book Report is due March 21.

We have a Dollar Dress Down on Friday, March 21 as part of a fundraiser for the police officers. It is also the end of the Third Term.

30 responses so far

Mar 17 2014

Monday, March 17, 2014

Published by under Math,Science,Words Your Way

Happy St. Patrick’s Day!

WTW: Spelling Contract
Math: My Homework Ch9L5

Check out some awesome brainiacs!
Ethan B
Ethan O
Tyler M
Tyler D
Tyler D part 2

21 responses so far

Mar 14 2014

Friday, March 14, 2014 {Pi Day!}

Published by under Uncategorized

What a fabulous way to spend the day…on a field trip with the best kiddos and chaperones eVeR!!! You totally made my day…even with a certain imitation of me! Thanks Ms. Bird, Ms. Pio, Ms. Savage, Mr. Day, and Mr. Judkins! We really appreciate you being with us today!

{Did you know tomorrow is Incredible Kid Day? I think I know 26 of them in my class!!!}

IMG_1867 IMG_1868 IMG_1870 IMG_1871 IMG_1872 IMG_1873 IMG_1874 IMG_1875 IMG_1876

7 responses so far

Mar 13 2014

Thursday, March 13, 2014

Published by under Homework,Science

Brainiacs were amazing!!! I will post them this weekend!

Reminders for tomorrow’s field trip….please wear uniform pants and either a spirit shirt or a white shirt, please wear tennies, bring a lunch and a water bottle in your backpack, wear/bring a light jacket, and meet at the Roy FrontRunner station by 8:30am. We will return at 2:47pm. Here is the itinerary of events…we are in group B.

Please be sure to cancel any lunches that were ordered for Friday. It will go to waste otherwise.

Permission slips for the Symphony went home today and are due on March 21. In case it gets lost  {  🙂   }

14 responses so far

Mar 12 2014

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Published by under Math,Science,Words Your Way

IMG_1863 IMG_1864 IMG_1865 bubble fun with Life Skills class!

Math makes us HaPpY!

What a great day!


Math: Chapter 9 Lesson 4
Spelling Contract: Due tomorrow since we will not be here Friday.
Science: Any items you need to build your Leprechaun trap at school on Thursday. Brainiac is due tomorrow!

{Field Trip on Friday, March 14 to the Discovery Science Center and the Clarke Planetarium: We have a minute opening if there is any interested parents who wish to attend. Transportation costs are taken care of and admission costs as well.  There is still one spot for the Symphony trip on March 25 as well} For Friday, there is the option of students purchasing popcorn and a soda to eat during the movie at the Planetarium. It is $2 and I will need to give a head count tomorrow. you will pay when we arrive at the Planetarium.

19 responses so far

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