Mar 11 2014

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

What a fabulous day! Snow and sunshine! It makes me HaPpY!

Great job on your Brainiac Maddi!!

Math: My Homework Ch9L3
WTW: Spelling contract
Read 20 minutes or more

Brainiac due March 13

SPOW due March 20

Book Report due March 21

Fun time in art today!

IMG_0634 IMG_0635 IMG_0636 IMG_0637 IMG_0638 IMG_0639 IMG_0632 IMG_0633 IMG_0640 IMG_0641 IMG_0642

18 responses so far

Mar 10 2014

Clark Planetarium Art Contest

Published by under Science

The Clark Planetarium is partnering with Art Access to host our 2nd annual DEEP SPACE ART exhibit of children’s artwork.

The exhibit will open on April 4, 2014 at the Clark Planetarium and will feature artwork by children and teens from ages 5 to 18.

Young artists are invited to submit one piece of art ready for hanging and exhibition (fixed mediums,

protected work, framed with wired backs, etc.). Artwork should have an astronomy-inspired theme, and may be based in hard science or science fiction. Please ensure that all artwork is clearly signed by its creator and is accompanied by the exhibit submission form.

Submission Deadline: Wednesday, March 19 before 9:00 p.m.

Please bring submissions to The Clark Planetarium @ 110 South 400 West and ask for either Callista Pearson or Lindsie
Smith. Submissions will be juried on March 24 and artists will be notified via email by March 28.

14 responses so far

Mar 10 2014

Monday, March 10, 2014

Published by under Math,Words Your Way

Welcome back, Maddi! We are so excited to have our Maddi back! This song is soooooo appropriate for how we feel!!

Spring Picture Day is Tomorrow!! Free dress down!!
WTW: Spelling Contract
Math: Chapter 9 Lesson 2 Enrich
Read 20 minutes or more {The Historical Fiction Book Report is due March 21. The assignment was handed out today}
A new SPOW was given out today….Magic Eggs! It is due on March 20.

{I neglected to get this sent out last week, my apologies! With two students doing an experiment with food, I have sent home a permission slip for students to participate. If you allow your student to participate, please sign and return the permission slip sent home today. Thanks!}

****One last thing….please be sure to cancel school lunch for Friday, March 14 and Tuesday, March 25, as we will be off campus those days for field trips! Thanks!****

16 responses so far

Mar 07 2014

Friday, March 7,2014

Published by under Uncategorized

Have a great weekend! Don’t forget to change your clocks ahead one hour on Sunday!

7 responses so far

Mar 06 2014

Thursday, March 6, 2014

Published by under Math,Words Your Way

Fantastic day and the conclusion of Parent Conferences! I love conference time! It is a fantastic chance to tell about accomplishments and ways to improve. Thank you for taking the time to come and visit!

WTW: Spelling contract due tomorrow

Math:Chapter 9, Lesson1 {and as always, practice math facts}

Read for 20 minutes or more…next book report is Historical Fiction! Please be sure to get your book approved by March 12!

17 responses so far

Mar 05 2014

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Published by under Math,Words Your Way

Parent-Student-Teacher conferences are underway!

If your student is missing any work, a slip was given to them today. All makeup work is due by Friday, March 7. No makeup work will be accepted after the 7th.

WTW: Spelling Contract
Math: None due to pretest and math facts test

Dr. Seuss: Hat or Bow Tie!

Brainiac is due March 13. Field Trip permission slips are due by March 11 for the trip on March 14.

22 responses so far

Mar 04 2014

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Thank you so much for the paper towels, clorox wipes, paper, zippies, and kleenex! We are fully stocked with paper towels for the rest of the year!

March Math At Home Calendar was sent home today. It is also on the blog under Math At Home Calendars.

WTW: Spelling contract
Math: Are You Ready? for Ch9
Reminders: Book Report is due tomorrow. Crazy Hair for Dr. Seuss week is tomorrow. Brainiac is due March 13. We have a field trip on March 14 to the Discovery Gateway and March 25 to the Utah Symphony. There are still two spots for the Symphony….

Field Trip on March 14 permission and information…Please return permission slip by Tuesday, March 11. Thanks

20 responses so far

Mar 03 2014

Monday, March 2, 2014

Published by under Language Arts,Math

Happy March!
{Reminders that the Biography book report is due on Wednesday and the Brainiac is due on Thursday, March 13. All parents are welcome to come and view the presentations. They will begin at 9am.}

Math: My Homework CH8 L8. Test Tomorrow….
WTW: Spelling contract

{If you feel so inclined, we are out of paper towels and Clorox Wipes. We are low on zippie bags and copy paper as well. Any donations would be graciously accepted!}

DR. SEUSS…..Team or sport shirt tomorrow! You still need to wear uniform pants….

22 responses so far

Feb 28 2014

Friday, February 28, 2014

Published by under Homework,Writing

Great job on the DWA!!!!! You all are so amazing!

Don’t forget…Monday is crazy sock/shoe day! Be sure shoes are closed toed…

Have a great weekend!

8 responses so far

Feb 27 2014

Thursday, February 27, 2014

Published by under Science

A few reminders:

Please be sure to sign up for parent conferences…they are next week!

Short day and Dollar Dress Down are tomorrow and the proceeds will go to help Maddi’s family with all of the medical bills that will be coming their way. {As a side note…we will be having a basket fundraiser as well. ANYONE may donate a basket to be auctioned off, with the proceeds going to help with medical bills. The baskets will be due March 14. Just a heads up!}

The DWA Test is tomorrow morning. Please be sure that your kiddos are well rested, breakfasted, and come to school with a water bottle and ready fingers. We will be testing for up to four hours….it may not take us that long…  They can bring a small snack to have after we are done testing. It may become part of their lunch or be a snack, we shall see…

Homework: Read 20 minutes or more. Be well rested and ready for the DWA.

Great presentation Tsunami Group! Here is your Presentation! Here is your poster!

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Great presentation Earthquake Group! Here is your Presentation! Here is your poster! Here is your earthquake! Group1, Group 2, Group 3, Group 4, Group 5, Group 6!

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22 responses so far

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