Jan 27 2014

Monday, January 27, 2014

Published by under Math,Science,Words Your Way

I can hardly believe that January is almost over! Where did the time go?

WTW: Alphabetize and define the first twelve words
Math: My Homework Chapter 7 Lesson 3
Read at least 20 minutes
SPOW due Friday

22 responses so far

Jan 25 2014

Saturday, January 25, 2014

Published by under Uncategorized

Apparently the school is having a Read-A-Thon and sponsor sheets are due on Monday! We did not receive the form, but here is a copy of it! Please bring them in Monday! We will be doing the reading portion on Friday.Read a thon 1-1Read a thon 2-2

4 responses so far

Jan 24 2014

Friday, January 24, 2014

Published by under Uncategorized

Have a spectacular weekend!

11 responses so far

Jan 23 2014

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Published by under Math,Words Your Way

{Parents: A packet of all past homework went home today. Please review it, then sign and return the cover page and Chapter 6 Test.
Also, I have items that need to be cut out, If anyone is interested in doing some work at home…thanks! And the Valentine List is under {Valentines Party} at the top of the blog. Anyone interested in heading up the party?  🙂    }

Math: Ch6 L2 Reteach
WTW: Sort and Glue
SPOW: due January 31
Olympic Sport due tomorrow…

Don’t forget about the “Souper” Bowl challenge! Bring in a canned item and place it with your favorite team outside of the office!

32 responses so far

Jan 22 2014

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Published by under Math,Words Your Way

Ya’ll amaze me! Everyday I spend with you is such a joy!

We had a great time with Mrs. Coombs! Here are a couple of videos of our Balloon Emotions class!

IMG_1780 IMG_1779

WTW: Choice of story, newspaper article, comic strip, or a magazine article.
Math: None…we reviewed the test today {Test redo will be tomorrow}
Olympic sport due Friday
read for at least 20 minutes

20 responses so far

Jan 21 2014

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

I can hardly believe we are almost done with January! WOWZERS!

WTW: Definitions
Math: Chapter 7, Lesson 1
Social Studies: Olympic Event {Due Friday}
Science: SPOW due January 31
Read 20 minutes or more

29 responses so far

Jan 17 2014

Friday, January 17, 2014

Published by under Uncategorized

Have a great THREE DAY WEEKEND!!!

12 responses so far

Jan 16 2014

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Published by under Math,Science,Words Your Way

So many adventures!

wtw: glue and sort
Math: My Homework Ch6, L14
Science: SPOW went home today…it is due on January 31.

Book Report is due tomorrow!

FYI: If you are interested, the Jordan World Circus is in town. If you want free passes for your kiddos 12 years old and younger, let me know!

30 responses so far

Jan 15 2014

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Right brain and Left brain…neat facts and information!

WTW: Choose either a story, news article, or comic strip and use all of your words in it.
Math: Enrich Ch6. L13 {Math Test on Friday!}
Read 20 minutes {book report due on Friday}

23 responses so far

Jan 14 2014

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Published by under Math,Words Your Way

Thanks to all who came to McDonald’s last night! What a hoot it was!

Just looking ahead…we are looking to have a Valentine Party…any takers on planning it?


WTW: Define your words

Math: Enrich Ch6/L11

Read 20 minutes or more {book report due on friday}

Earth Science Project Assigned today: you can find a copy of the directions HERE

Groups are as follows:

Earthquakes: Henry, Ethan O., Ethan B., McCartney, and Amyah

Volcanoes: Olivia, Matthew, Bowman, Isaac, and Jacob

Flood: Megan, Aubry, McKenna, Jackson, and Bryton

Tsunami: Eli, Josh, Maddison, Tyler M., Tyler D.,  and Braxtonia

Tornado/Hurricane: Lia, Malya, Breanna, Hannah, Alexus, and Leah

23 responses so far

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