November 27 – December 1, 2023

Welcome back! Hope you had a marvelous Thanksgiving Break! We have a busy and fun 3 weeks ahead!

This Saturday is the Reindeer Run and Breakfast with the Grinch (if you haven’t yet, you can click here to register – Quest 5K and Fun Run Registration)! See you there!

Math Club (tutoring) this week will be held Monday and Wednesday after school until 3:35 pm. If your student has been invited to tutoring and is unable to attend, please let me know and I will be happy to provide resources for home.

Please remember that students should be reading for 20 minutes every night at home! If you would like any resources or support for reading at home, please let me know.

This week, we will continue our science study of properties of matter. In ELA we are beginning a new unit of study and asking the question, “What benefits come from people working as a group?” In math, we are learning how fractions represent division problems.

Other Important Notes:

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