February 5 – 9, 2024

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Hello Families,

It was wonderful to see and meet with you this past week! Thank you for all you do to support your child and our awesome class community! This week we have TWO permission slips…one for Valentine’s Day and one for our field trip to the Natural History Museum of Utah on February 28th. Please be sure to review and sign both permission slips as soon as possible. Please note, we are asking for a donation of $5 per student and $10 per chaperone (if selected in a lottery) for the field trip. 

This week, we will be working on adding and subtracting decimals and fractions with unlike denominators in story problems. Finding a common denominator and carrying out these equations can be tricky and I’m proud of the hard work our class has done and will keep doing together! In ELA, we will consider the question, “How do you express something that is important to you?” and explore figurative language in poetry and how it contributes to themes. For science, we will continue to learn about the cycling of matter, focusing on producers and consumers within food chains. It will be a great, full week of learning! Please remember those magical 20 minutes of reading every day at home to continue to build their brain!

Also this week, Math Club (tutoring) will be held Monday and Wednesday afternoon immediately following school until 3:35 pm. If we discussed at-home practice or make-up work during conferences instead of in person tutoring during conferences, please have your child aim for 20 minutes/day of support work.

Please let me know if you have any questions!

Thank you,

Mrs. Shaw

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