December 11 – 15, 2023

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Hello everyone!

We are on the countdown to Christmas Break with lots of learning and fun on the way! A few items of business, please:

First, tutoring (a.k.a. math club) will only be held on Wednesday afternoon immediately following school this week. There will not be a Monday session. We will pick it back up after the break! Please remind your students to continue to read for 20 minutes per day during the break to get an awesome prize in January!

Friday is a PAJAMA day and we will be having our Christmas party then too! We will be playing games, watching the 2018 Grinch cartoon, eating popcorn, and drinking hot chocolate. Please sign the permission slip here if you haven’t yet. Friday is also an early out at 1:10 pm.

Please check the lost and found by Friday for any outerwear (box in the main foyer) and lost water bottles (in the lunchroom). Any items not claimed will be disposed of/donated over the break.

Lastly, your students are absolutely amazing and wonderful! I’m so grateful to be their teacher.

Thank you for all that you do! Happy Holidays!

-Mrs. Shaw

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