January 8 – 12, 2024

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Hello everyone! What a great first week back! Remember, there is no school next Monday, January 15th, to observe Martin Luther King Jr. Day.

This week we will review what we have learned so far in science and begin RISE Benchmark Testing for this subject on Tuesday and Thursday afternoon. Again, just as a reminder, this testing is formative in nature, letting us know how students are progressing with their science knowledge, and is different from our end of year RISE testing. In ELA we will continue studying what people can do to bring about positive change and work on describing an author’s point of view by citing text evidence. In math, we will learn how to divide fractions.

Math Club (tutoring) will be held on Monday and Wednesday afternoon this week immediately following school until 3:35 pm. Also, just a reminder, I will be gone next Friday, January 19th – Friday, January 26th, so there will be no tutoring those weeks.

This is also the last week of the 2nd Quarter, and grades will be finalized by Friday evening. We will be performing Middle of the Year Testing next week. Please make sure your students are in attendance and have a working, reliable pair of headphones. Lastly, please sign up here for Family-Teacher Conferences for Wednesday, January 31st or Thursday, February 1st. These conferences are student-led, so please choose a time that works for both of you. This link will also be sent directly to you via email. Please contact me with any questions.

Thank you for your support!
Mrs. Shaw

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