April 22 – 26, 2024


It’s go time! Next week we are beginning iReady Diagnostic and Acadience Reading Testing! We will also be working hard to review and prepare for the following week’s RISE testing (May 8th-10th and May 13th-17th)! Please check with your student to make sure they have a good, reliable, working pair of headphones. If not, please make sure they have some as soon as possible. They will need them everyday for the next few weeks!

During RISE Testing, we will be having 2 major testing sessions each day. Testing can be very demanding, so in between sessions students will be allowed to relax, listen to music, doodle, build puzzles, play board games, read, sleep—whatever they need to let their brain rest until the next testing session.

Thank you for your support from home: making sure students are getting enough sleep, eating a good breakfast, coming to school on time, and staying at school for the whole day. All of this helps with their success in showing the growth they have made this year. I am cheering for them! Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns. 

Signing this permission slip will let me know that you are aware of the schedule and proceedings of RISE Testing and that you are giving your child permission to consume the food items listed as part of End of Year instructional activities. Students may also bring one snack from home for themselves (they may not share with their friends) each day during RISE Testing if desired. Finally, the permission slip also contains a waiver for other End of Year activities for which more details will be sent.

Thank you again,

Mrs. Shaw

Please mark your calendar:

  • Apr 26, 2024 Dollar Dress Down
  • April 29, 2024 iReady Diagnostic and Acadience Reading Testing begins
  • May 8, 2024 RISE Testing begins
  • May 17, 2024 RISE Testing ends
  • May 24, 2024 Last Day of School

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