May 1 – 5, 2023

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Hello Team!

State RISE testing begins first thing Monday morning. Please make sure your child is well rested and has a nutritious breakfast each day this week. I can’t wait to see them shine!

Between testing sessions, students may also eat a snack from home. Each day they may bring 1 snack from home for themselves (they may not share this with their friends). No drinks other than water in the classroom though, please. If you haven’t yet had a chance, please see the food items/treats that I may also provide for them on this permission slip.

This week, students will also be choosing a state to research, create a float for, and give a short presentation about in class. Research will primarily be done at school, and floats should be made at home. Floats are optional. They need not be time consuming or extravagant and should be student-led in creation. The more student creativity and ownership for this project, the better! Reports will be due Monday, May 15th, and state floats will be presented the morning of Friday, May 19th. 

Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns.

Thank you, always, for your support!

Mrs. Shaw

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