Welcome Fall!

I think the weather changed faster than I was ready for it to.  I was hoping for another week of warm sunshiny days and cooler evenings, but it’s getting cold quickly.  With that in mind, don’t forget to bring a jacket for outside.  Even when it’s cold, we have outside time everyday, so please come prepared for the weather.  I am also finding a lot of sweaters, and jackets without names hanging around after the students go home.  Please make sure you label all articles of clothing your child brings to school.  

I want to thank all of the parents who planned, helped or supported our Halloween activities on Friday.  A great time was had by all!  

Friday we will have a guest teacher, Mrs. Ruby  as I will be gone for the day.  If you have anything you need from me, please contact me before Thursday.

I just want to add a quick side note.  I love teaching your children and I’m really happy to be a part of Quest!  It’s a great place to be!

This week we will be taking a chapter test on multiplication and division of 1’s, 2’s, 5’s and 10’s.  We will also be starting our next unit which is a continuation of Multiplication and Division.  The majority of our class has a great understanding of the concepts taught  in these chapters , we’re just fine tuning skills and mastering the facts.  Many of the kids have asked for the website to Timez Attack, a very fun way to practice multiplication facts, so here’s the link:  TimezAttack.com .  This is a fun, video type game, created by a video game maker who wanted a fun game for his son.  The free version works great!

We will be finishing Stellaluna, and then writing about Candy Corn.  Our students will be experts about this yummy seasonal treat.  We are also going to have the opportunity to use a new tool called Utah Compose, which is a computer based writing program that will help us as we learn to write informational pieces.  This is the first year this is available to 3rd graders.  It will be fun to watch our writing proficiency grow.

We are still in need of Cool Whip lids.  We will be collecting these all month, for a surprise project in December.  We are also collecting  all the box tops, soup labels, and Coke Codes we can get.  Sadly we did not win the free dress down day this time around, but we are going to push hard for the next one.  If we collect the most over all, we will earn a movie and pizza party. 

Continue reading every night for 20 minutes.  I have had a few parents say that their student does not love this reading time, that means we have not yet found them a great fit book.  Have them talk to me and let’s see if we can’t find something that they love to read.

Xtramth.org at least 3 times a week.  Remember the more you practice, the easier the facts will come. Frontrowed.com is a great option if you want to do more math homework. 

Words Their Way
Red Group:  sort 32
Pink Group: sort 9
Orange Group: sort 36
Blue Group: sort 53

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