January 11th – 15th

Important Dates
Jan. 15th  Ice Cream Activity (Please fill out the form below, sorry the link didn’t show on Thursday)
Jan.16th  No School for Students
Jan. 19th No School
Jan. 29th SEP’s 
Jan. 30th Short Day, Dollar Dress Down

Our field trip was a huge success and I want to thank all the parents who joined us for being such a fabulous group.  If you have any pictures that you took and would like us to include in our video of the day, please send them to me at sgoldsberry@questac.org.  If you were not able to go with us, there will other opportunities to come with us in the next few months.  We have another fieldtrip Wednesday, February 11th, so save the date.  They are not limiting us on our adults, so if you are able to come, please plan to.  We have not shared where we’re going with the students yet, so watch for upcoming details.

Homework this week is back to normal sorts, 20 minutes of reading  and xtramath.  

Spelling Sorts (These are new groups)
Please note, some of the groups will be reviewing patterns they have not yet mastered.  I am creating these sorts to match what the students need, and will not follow in numerical order. 

Packers: Sort 13
Colts: Sort 40
Seahawks: Sort 1
Patriots:  Sort A

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