End of April! :( :)

I love that your children have grown up so much in the last 8 months.  It also makes me happy to see their growth, and know how much they’ve learned. At the same time, it makes me sad because that also means they are now more 4th graders than they are 3rd  graders.  I’v joked with several of them that they will need to stay in Third Grade next year, only because I will miss them daily when they move down the hall for fourth grade.

NEWS FLASH!!!!!! There will not be any more sorts.  We will be doing word work, most frequently miss spelled words and review for the next few weeks and reviewing the patterns they struggled with the most.  

Please fill out the Google Form below concerning your child’s availability for the evening performance.  If too many children will not be available that night, we will need to cancel.


We are going on a field trip on May 22nd.  I can’t give you all of the details until after school today, but your child will be bringing information home today and the permission


As a school, we are piloting  a couple of internet sites to determine which site will provide the best supplemental math practice for our students.  Our class is using Frontrowed.com and will report what we like and what we do not like about it.  With that in mind, this week we will be using it for our homework and I need each child to use it at least three times this week.  I will tell your child which area they are currently scoring the lowest and have them work on that area.  At the end of the week, I will post a survey about your thoughts on Front Row Ed.  (This is one of the things I love about Quest, we get to help decide which programs are the best for our students)

Please continue to read 20 minutes a day.  This week, we will be taking our last Dibels test for the year.  Reading out loud for practice is strongly encouraged.

Many of the students have asked for the Code.org link to be posted again, so here it is:  http://studio.code.org/sections/TEUWPN
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