Welcome to the first full week of school. We’ll be starting into our math curriclum and have our first writing assignment by the end of the week. Homework this week is very simple: Read for 20 minutes every night, and have your child practice Magic. If you don’t have playing cards, the children may check a deck out from me to use. The kids are so excited about this activity and it’s a great way to learn math fluency.
I’m very excited to announce that we will be starting 1st grade buddies this week. We will be helping Mrs. Bischoff’s class with their sight words, and listening to them read, while in turn they give us an opportunity to practice our reading fluency and expression. It’s a win, win situation for all those involved. If you can encourage your child to practice reading out loud, it will help them be a great tutor.
I have found that there were two things left our supply list that would be very helpful in our classroom:
1) A Lanyard for their ID Badge. I have purchased a holder for them that will attach to their lanyards.
2) A pair of headphones or earphones.
The post from last week has the link for volunteers and the instructions on how to sign up for Remind101 which is a texting service that allows me to send out group texts which will include reminders, talking points, and other information
Your child will be bringing home an Enrichment Class Agreement that I need to have you go over with your child, have both of you sign and return to me as soon as possible.
You have great children and I’m so excited to be a part of their lives not only for the next nine months, but forever. “Once they’re mine, they’re always mine.”
Have a great week!
Language Arts
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