May 1st : 9:30 All those who have not finished the writing section
May 10th: 8:40 Language Arts (Please be on time)
May 12th: 8:40 Language Arts (Please be on time)
May 17th: 2:00 Math
May 19th: 2:00 Math
The Play
The costumes for the play can be ANYTHING you would like them to look like. Most of the characters are familiar and may look like what ever you visualize them to look like. We will have dress rehearsal on Monday May 15th at 1:30. Your student should bring their costume that day, we will go through the play with them in full costume.
On May 18th, at 1:30 we will perform for the school, Lotus Park Residents and any of the parents and grandparents who would like to join us. We will then perform again at 5:00 that evening. Students should be back to the school between 4:30 and 4:45 to prepare to go on stage. If you are not going to be able to make our night performance, I need to know as soon as possible!
Boxtops and Labels
Please continue to send in boxtops and soup labels. Please Note: Campbells soup will be discontinuing their school label program as of July 1st. With this in mind, please take the time to cut just the area of the barcode on any cans you have in food storage or in your pantry and send them in. I know the case lots are going on now and we can use those bar codes, even if they don’t say “Labels for Education” on them. We are currently in 4th place and would love to move to 1st place. Friday May 13th will be the last day for Boxtops and Soup Labels for this year.
School Carnival
Our school Carnival will be May 20th 5-8PM at the school. Pre-sale tickets are on sale now at a discounted price. Please go to to purchase pre-sell tickets. They are also accepting 2 liter bottles of pop donations. Please turn any donated pop, in at the office.
You should be reading at LEAST 20 minutes 5 to 7 days of the week. Comprehension, and Vocabulary increase dramatically when reading happens regularly. You can use Wonderopolis and the Comprehension Checks it includes, Front Row Ed or anything you choose for this time. There are some amazing articles in Front Row Ed that include comprehension questions.
This week, please use Front Row Ed for all Math homework. Math homework consists of reviewing the concepts we have learned throughout the year. Math practice needs to be done 3 times during the week for a total of 30 points. I have have assigned each student the topics they need to practice in order to be ready for the end of year tests. If you do not have access to a computer for online practice, please talk to me and I will provide paper and pencil practice for you.
Front Row Ed
Spelling Sorts
Panthers: Sort 13
Huskies: Sort 12
Jayhawks: Sort 23
Wildcats: Sort 41
Have a great week!
Language Arts
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