Pictures, Elipse and Weekly Info

Teaching:  Mrs. Goldsberry

Important Dates for August 21-25
Monday  Aug. 21st      Solar Eclipse
                                        Picture Day
Tuesday Aug 22nd      First Day of our New Reading Program
Friday   Aug 25th        Dollar Dress Down Day

We had a wonderful start last week and we are so excited to be a part of your child’s life.  They are a very well behaved class and have already shown us that we will be able to do many engaging activities throughout the year.   Make sure you ask them how to tell if you’re a fairy.  Thank you for allowing us to be a part of your 3rd Graders life!

Picture Information
Picture day is Monday and every student will have his/her picture taken for ID tags.  The packages available for purchase can be found online, by doing the following:
*  Go to 
* Click on the Prepay tab at the top
* Enter the school code: Questacad2017
* Choose the package you want for your child
*  Choose to either pay online (send the receipt to school) or write a check and send it with your child, with the package you would like to purchase on Monday.
*  This is a voluntary activity. 

We are so excited about the opportunity to share the eclipse with our class.  The sun is part of our Science Core and we have purchased glasses for each of the 3rd graders at Quest.  We have already stated learning about how the eclipse will take place and we will be talking about the proper way to watch the eclipse.  We will be outside on Monday for quite a while, so we can watch the different phases of the eclipse.  

If you have not connected with us on Bloomz, please take the opportunity to do so.  Each family received the instructions of how to do this on a purple paper last week.  If you have misplaced this paper, just follow the steps below:
 1. Download the “Bloomz” app from the AppStore/PlayStore and click “Create Account”. If browser, go to and click on “Join Bloomz” 
2. In the text box, enter EHTCX7
3. Create your account

Each student in our class has learned a magic trick that is a part of our math.  In order to practice this amazing trick at home, they will need a standard deck of cards, with all face cards and 10’s removed.  You may also use Uno cards, Krypto cards, Skipbo etc, as long as they have 4 of each number 1 – 9.  They are so excited to practice, and eventually share their magic trick with you.  

We are starting our first reading unit this week and working with Character Traits and how authors develop characters.  We will have many opportunities to describe various characters and write about them.  

Please have your child read 20 minutes each night.  We will discussing the characters they’re reading about, as well as the ones from the various books we read in school.  
Magic is also a part of their homework.  If they practice this game each night, they will be prepared for our assessment on Friday.

Thanks for supporting us, and remember, work hard, be kind
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