Dates to Remember
Tues. Jan 17th Happy 1/2 Birthday Jazmin S
Thurs. Jan 19th STEMa
I can’t believe that we are 1/2 way through the year! I love seeing the growth that each of the students in our class has made, and it makes me excited to think about how much we will learn in the next few months. This time of year also makes me a little sad because it also means that in a few short months I will have to pass “my kids” to 4th grade, and that’s never a happy thought, so onto happier things. We are still learning various literature components and many new concepts in math. I so look forward to having a great rest of the year and watching the students grow even more.
Reading: Read every night for at least 20 minutes, and then record it on both the google spelling assignment sheet and the google form for the library
Math: 15 minutes of You don’t need to record anything, it gives me a report at the end of every week. It does not count your time if you only do a few problems, you need to go into battles and do the math
Spelling With this being a short week, and last week being a short week, we will keep the same sort for another week. You only need to do 3 sorts for the week too.
Spelling Ten
Have a great week!
Language Arts
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