Teaching: Mrs. Goldsberry
Important Dates
Sept. 4th Monday Labor Day No School!
Sept. 6th Wednesday STEM
Sept. 7th Thursday Medium Size Apple for Apple Witches Due
Sept. 8th Friday Dollar Dress Down for Houston Texas
Apple Carving
Short Day Schedule
School Supplies
Those of you who have paid your $20 for school supplies, we greatly appreciate it. If you have not paid for your child’s school supplies, please do so as soon as possible. This may be paid at the front office. This was a very convenient way for you, as well as us to obtain the items we use in class and have them labeled and ready before school started. We appreciate your support! We would like to continue to provide this service, but we do need the support of our families in order to continue this service. Thanks in advance!
Water Bottles
Please remember, water bottle may only have water in them. We are also having trouble with open spout water bottles that tend to spill all over the students’ desks, papers, folders, computers and many other items when they tip and the lid falls off or open. If possible, please send bottle with pop tops that if spilled won’t spill ALL of the bottles contents out. Thank you for your help with this.
Apple Carving
On Friday, we will be carving apple witches. In order to have this go smoothly, we will be asking for volunteer parents on Friday, from 9:00 to 10:30 (We may get done before then). There will be a sign up on Bloomz. If you have not yet subscribed to Bloomz, please e-mail me if you would like to join us and help the students carve, no previous experience needed.
This Week and Homework
We will be learning several new websites that your child will be able to access from home. Please take the time to see what they are doing.
One of these websites is the new reading program Wonders. I have assigned a short reading book that goes hand in hand with the skills we are learning in class. Please have your child read this book as part of their 20 minutes a night of reading, it shouldn’t take much more than that to read. We will be referring to this book on Thursday of this week.
For Math Homework, your student has been assigned math problems that include place value, and rounding at www.prodigygame.com This is a very fun website, but a lot of time can be wasted just wandering around. Please remind your student they should go in and battle so they get the practice that will help solidify what we’re doing in class.
We really appreciate the support that you have given us so far this year and look forward to getting to know you and your student even better.
Language Arts
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