Happy Labor Day!!!! My own kids think that Labor Day means they have to work all day, please don’t tell them any different!
This weeks news:
Happy Birthday
Sept. 1st Kayleigh
Sept. 2nd Trinity
Everyone will be bringing home our first unit test of Math on Tuesday. Please look it over and see how well we are all doing with place value and rounding. If a concept was not mastered, we will continue working with that student on that concept, but we will also be moving on to the next unit. As we approach this unit, we have varying degrees of proficiency. With this in mind, all students will be given the introductory lessons on all concepts. After this lesson, some will go to practice centers, while others work on mastery. We will be learning several activities that may be used as practice at home.
We will also be starting spelling sorts at home. The entire class will be using the same sort this week. Spelling groups will begin next week. The sort and assigned homework to go with it will be on the homework tab.
As for reporting homework, please scroll down to the bottom of the page and enter all homework in the form provided there. Please remember to insert the student name in the name box, the total time read in hours and minutes in the reading box and click the boxes indicating which nights reading was done. You will also record your sorts here.
If you have not signed up for the text reminders, please feel free to do so at your earliest convenience. This really is an easy way for me to get messages to you and your family.
Here’s how to sign up, if you haven’t already done so.
Send the message @c1bcb to (385) 215-8343
Thanks for all you do!
Language Arts
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