LAST Post of the School Year!

I can not believe I have come to the last post of the school year.  I say that because if there is anything that I think you need to know about during the summer, I will post it here.  I will also send out Remind Texts if there is something that is very important!

Please remember that Tuesday May 26th is our Pizza Party for bringing in the most boxtops, coke codes, soup labels, etc…..  

This week is all short days.  We will get out everyday at 1:00 so the teachers may receive the needed inservice in preparation for next year.  

I hope everyone has a whole list of books they want to read this summer.  I know I do. I think half of them are professional reads about teaching reading, and the other half are things that I just WANT to read and can’t wait to get started on.  I’ve gone to the library and checked out my first 3 books and I’ve been on Amazon and purchased 2 there. 

I will be inviting all of the students to two different Google Slides that they may add to throughout the summer.

First One: When you finish reading a book, I would love for you to add a slide and give a quick summary of it.  You get one slide per book.  Please don’t change anyone else’s slide, but do read the slides and see if you might want to check out and read.  

Second One:  As you do various activities, go onto a slide and write a paragraph about what you did.  If the slide show gets too big, I will start a new slide presentation.  I think it will be fun to see the variety of places and things you do over the summer.

I have loved teaching this class and I really do love Quest!  Thanks for a great year!!!! 

I will posting a Parent Survey this week that I would appreciate you taking the time to fill out.   I would love your feedback!  Thanks in advance.

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