This week:
Sun. Sept. 4 Happy Birthday Austin!
Mon. Sept. 5 Labor Day (No School)
Tue. Sept. 6 Reading Leveling and Dibels Testing Begins
Thr. Sept. 8 STEM Lab
Fri. Sept. 9 Apple Witch Carving 9:00 (If you didn’t sign up on Bloomz, but would like to help, please let me know)
Sat. Sept. 10 Happy Birthday Hailee!
URGENT!!! We are going to carve witch apples on FRIDAY! Please send your child with a MEDIUM size apple on or before Friday. If you are NOT going to be able to provide an apple for your child, please e-mail me or send me a notice through BLOOMZ.
If you have not signed up for Bloomz, please do, it has already proven to be a very useful tool in communication with parents.
We are starting to get our routines and procedures down. We have been practicing 100% (meaning we do things when we are 100% ready to learn) and working on how to line up, walk in the halls, behave in the lunchroom and follow school and classroom rules. I love the way our class is good at all of these things.
Our class now knows the difference between character traits and physical traits. We’ve even started our first of many writing pieces and we’ll learn how to use Google Classroom and Utah Compose this week.
Of course, reading is the most important part of our homework! All of us should be reading 20 minutes a night, 5 nights a week. You can choose if you want to record your reading every night, or all at once at the end of the week.
This weeks math homework will be completed on There are three topics given and will easily be completed over 3 nights for about 15 minutes on the program. If you have not connected to our class, please do so, following the instructions in last weeks blog post.
We are doing spelling a little bit different this year. We will be training the students on how we would like sorts done, so they will not begin at home until we have trained them at school.
Have a great week!
Language Arts
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