Author Archives: susan.goldsberry

Slides, Play and Field Trip!

First of all can I just tell you haw much fun we’ve had with Google Slides in the last week.  I’m sure that many of you know that due to the fact they even log on and work with each … Continue reading

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Tuesday    May 12th  SAGE Testing 2:00                    Library 1:00Thurdsay  May 14th  SAGE Testing 2:00Friday        May 15th  Surprise Activity (I would love some Parent Volunteers, Please see below!)May 18th … Continue reading

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Things are Winding Down Way too Fast!!!

Important Dates to Remember:Monday   Dibles Testing      8:30Tuesday   SAGE Testing      8:45                  Library        Thursday  SAGE  Testing    8:45Friday       MaKennah’s BirhdayMay 12th  SAGE … Continue reading

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Living Planet Aquarium Permission Slip

Yep! We are going to the Living Planet Aquarium on May 22nd!!!!! Here’s the permission slip with all the info.  If you need a printed copy please comment here, or have your chid ask me for one.Aquarium Permission

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End of April! :( :)

I love that your children have grown up so much in the last 8 months.  It also makes me happy to see their growth, and know how much they’ve learned. At the same time, it makes me sad because that … Continue reading

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Hooray! Hooray!

If you haven’t heard, the books are done and mailed into the publisher!  We should get them back the week before school gets out.  I can’t wait for each student to share their amazing work with each of their families. … Continue reading

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IMPORTANT INFORMATION!We will sending our books to the publisher this week, but there is one important thing that must happen at home before we can send them in.  Please read this carefully so you know how to fill out your … Continue reading

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Happy Spring!

Dates to remember:Tuesday     March 24th  LibraryThursday   March 26th  Happy Birthday Andrew F.                                            SEP Conferences  3:30 to … Continue reading

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Happy St. Patrick’s Day!

Dates to Remember:Tue. March 17  St. Patrick’s Day (Remember to Wear Something Green)   Evacuation Drill   LibraryFri.  March 20  Last Day of the Quarter    No School for Students (Professional Development Day)Minion Graphing Fun:  Remember to read 20 minutes … Continue reading

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Shouts Outs, Surveys and Homework

Important Dates to remember:Tues.  March 10th LibraryThur.  March 12th Happy Birthday MariahSat. March 14th Happy Birthday TakadaA HUGE shout out to the Spanglers for creating our Dr. Seuss  Door!!!!! We won the 3rd Grade Best Door Student vote and 3rd … Continue reading

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