Category Archives: Uncategorized

I Messed Up!

15 fabulous parents have gone into the Food Permission Slip Document and recorded what their student may or may not have.  The only problem is that I did not give you a place to enter your student’s name.  I am … Continue reading

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Food Permission

I know that fall break has started, but I do need a permission slip for a few lessons that will include food in the few weeks. Please mark all the things that your child may have. If you do not … Continue reading

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Short Week, Fall Break and Witches

HELP!!!!! I need a few parents who would be willing to  do any of the following things:– Make hair Monday or Tuesday night.  It’s quite simple, you wrap yarn around a book 20 times clip both ends and tie it … Continue reading

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Happy October

There are so many exciting things happening in our classroom that I don’t even know where to start.  Our bubble unit is going to spill over into one more week, with the student’s having their first opportunity to experience an … Continue reading

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Bet You Can’t Guess What We’re Learning About!

So, if you haven’t heard what we’re doing in Science I’m surprised!  Can you say, “Bubbles, Bubbles, and More Bubbles!”  We started out by simply blowing bubbles and observing what they do an d don’t do.  We then moved to … Continue reading

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Fall is in the Air

It’s amazing to me how fast the month of September flies by and as it does, your children become our children. I’m already calling them my kids and I’ve started to learn their likes, dislikes and learning styles.This week is … Continue reading

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Family Portrait Deal! (Really it’s a steal with benefits!)

Christmas Family Portrait Event is back at Quest!What is it? It is a fundraiser put on by the Technology Department to earn money for STEM Clubs this year! For example, we are going to participate in Lego Robotic Competitions, Cyberpatriot and more!  How does the … Continue reading

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The Apple Witches are Carved and Drying!

A huge shout out to the moms that were able to help us carve apple witches on Friday.  The kids did great and our witches are going to turn out amazing!  Thank you JayLynn Larsen,  Jennifer Brown and Katie Butler, … Continue reading

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Our First Holiday is Over

I hope everyone had a fabulous Labor Day Weekend! We won’t have another break until the middle of October, which will give us time to get our schedules and routines cemented down.In math we have been using Front Row Ed, … Continue reading

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September Will Arrive This Week

Last week was wonderful and this week should be much the same.  We read several books about going to school and the various character traits we found in the main characters of the stories.  We also have learned a lot … Continue reading

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