Category Archives: Uncategorized

Last Week of January

Dates to Remember:Jan. 27th LibraryJan. 28th Will’s 1/2 BirthdayJan 29th  SEP’s  3:30 to 4:30Jan. 30th  Emma’s Birthday                    Early Out We have been working hard on our PowerPoints and will be ready to … Continue reading

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Friday the 23rd

Friday is a FREE DRESS DOWN DAY for our 3rd Graders only!  This is for bringing in the most boxtops 3rd Quarter!

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January 20th – 23

Classroom NewsDatesJanuary 20th Happy 7/12 Birthday ElizabethJanuary 21st   LibraryJanuary 29th SEP’s  If you would like to meet with me concerning your child, please e-mail me and we will set appointments. February 10th Fieldtrip; Permission Slips and more information will be … Continue reading

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Fieldtrip Date Correction and Ice Cream Needs

I am so sorry!  I posted the incorrect date for the next field trip, it will be  Tuesday, FEBRUARY 10th.  I am so sorry if I inconvienced anyone.We are still in need of 3 more 1/2 gallons of vanilla ice … Continue reading

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January 11th – 15th

Important DatesJan. 15th  Ice Cream Activity (Please fill out the form below, sorry the link didn’t show on Thursday)Jan.16th  No School for StudentsJan. 19th No SchoolJan. 29th SEP’s Jan. 30th Short Day, Dollar Dress DownOur field trip was a huge success … Continue reading

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Banana Split Activity

Attention!  We are going to be having a Banana Split Activity next Thursday.  It’s a grade wide activity and each class has been assigned a part of the end product.  We have been assigned the vanilla ice cream and bananas … Continue reading

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Happy New Year!

Important Dates:Dec. 31st   Happy Birthday MaizicJan. 6th    LibraryJan. 9th    Planetarium FieldtripI can’t believe we are already to January in our school year, and we only have 5 months left of school.  We have learned so much, and … Continue reading

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Field Trip Permission Slip and Information

Please read the attached document, and return the permission slip by Wednesday January 7th. Thanks for your support!

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Week Before Christmas

This is going to be a whirlwind week, so come prepared to learn, review, assess, create, write, wrap and party!  All in a certain order of course with the party completeing the week.  With that said, we are also already … Continue reading

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December 8 – 12

We have 2 weeks until Christmas Break and SO O O O O O O  much to accomplish before  the 19th (Our last day before Christmas!) A couple of things to be aware of:First of all we need to remember the … Continue reading

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