August is gone, and September is here!

This Week:

Thursday Sept 1st   STEM Class Begins
Guest Teacher Mrs. Anderson will be our  teacher  today
Friday Sept 2nd  Early Out (Not a Dress Down)
   Net Smart Assembly
   Guest Teacher Mrs. Anderson will be our teacher again today
Sunday Sept 4th Happy Birthday Austin (We’ll celebrated on Monday)

Last week was busy as we worked on Magic and Place Value in Math.  In Language, we focused on Character Traits and the way we do and don’t want to be treated.  We even started our first Art Project, that will become the cover of our dictionaries.  They are turning out beautifully!

A few things that are coming up.  On September 9th we will be carving Apple Witches.  I have created a call for Volunteers on Bloomz.  If you have not signed up for Bloomz, please do (the instructions are in last weeks post).  If you are not planning to sign up for Bloomz, but would like to volunteer, please send me an e-mail letting me know that you can join us the morning of September 9th, from 9:00 to around 11:00, depending on the number of parents we have helping out.


Of course, reading is the most important part of our homework!  All of us should be reading 20 minutes a night, 5 nights a week.  At the end of the week, fill out the homework reporting form found under the homework tab. 

This week’s math homework is to get set up to start homework next week.  We will be using for our homework.  Many members of our class already have an account, so this week I need you to join our class.  Here are the instructions:

Prodigy Instructions
Our class code is: 9948F5

If your child doesn’t have a account  please create one for them, and join our class using the class code.

If you have any questions, please give me a call!

Have a great week!

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Looks Like We Made It!

Dates to Remember:
Wednesday Aug 17   Happy Late Birthday Damian
Monday       Aug 22  Picture Day
Thursday    Aug  25  Happy Birthday Lauryl
Friday         Aug 26  Happy Birthday Kaydence 
Friday         Aug 26  Back to School Splash at the Rush Complex (Please watch for a flier that will come home this week!)

I want to thank all of you for a wonderful first three days of school!  Our class is going to be amazing and we’re going to have such a wonderful time learning together! 

Just a couple of housekeeping items:

Please read and sign the disclosure statement under parent information.  

If you have not taken the opportunity to sign up for Bloomz, please do so, this will be an additional way we can communicate with each other.  This will also be how we will schedule parent teacher conferences, and communicate volunteer opportunities.  I will post these here also.

Here’s how to join if you haven’t already by computer:
1) Go to
2) Click Join Bloomz
3) In the text box, enter DJDACG
4) Create your account

If you would rather join by text:
Text @DJDACG to 1-858-256-691

If  you have not taken the opportunity to donate $5.00 towards the supplies I purchased for your child, and you plan to, please do so as soon as possible,  Thanks to all those who have already done so!

We are learning a magic trick, while learning how to stay in the struggle. I will lead them to how to do the trick and after they learn it, they will need a set of cards with 4 of each number 1 – 9.  If you get the trick, please don’t ruin the fun, let them show you!!!  It will solidify the math concept being taught.

In reading we are focusing on character traits and how that plays in everything we read, and in our lives as a whole.
We are only requiring reading this week.  Please have your child read 20 minutes each night and then enter their total minutes read in the Google Form under homework.

Here’s to a great week!

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Summer Reading Information

Here’s the Document for the Barnes and Noble Reading:

Summer Reading Journal

This is the link to the Epic! e-books:

Google Slide Link to share what you’re Reading

Class Reading Log

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The Final Countdown!

I write this post with a little bit of sadness.  It will be my last Monday post for the regular school year.  I will post one more time with all of the various reading programs we can participate in during the summer.  Please watch for this as Barnes and Noble, Weber County Library and Scholastic all have programs you can be enrolled in simultaneously.  You can earn free books and more.

There is a very cool feature on Seesaw that you can use for free!  I will be sending home instructions on how to download your child’s entire learning journal for FREE!!!!  It’s a one click process and you get everything they’ve posed in a digital format.  I will be posting the steps on how to do this when I post the reading information.  So excited they’ve allowed this to happen for FREE!

This week is packed with learning, fun and a lot of reminiscing.  Here’s he schedule for the week:

Monday:  Talent Show, Clementine Slides and Double Digit Multiplication
Tuesday:  Mrs. Waddell’s Class play,  Double Digit review and possibly Double Digit X Double Digit and Clementine Slides
Wednesday:  Clementine Finish Up, Port Folios, Problem Solving
Thursday:  Port Folio Finish Up, Desk Clean Out (Make sure you have an empty backpack)  End of year items,  EARLY OUT DAY!!!!
Friday:  Field day poster  Please check out this link as it has all the information you need for field day.  We will be wearing our Tie Dye Shirts and it is a free dress down day.   EARLY OUT DAY

I want to take this opportunity to tell my kiddos and their parents thank you for a great year!  You have amazing kids who work hard, and strive for the best in everything they do.  We have laughed, cried, and learned together.  I have watched them grow and their personalities bloom.  I’ve also watched them learn problem solving skills and social skills.  Thank you from the bottom of my heart for entrusting them to me and allowing them to become a part of my life.

Watch for the post about reading and PLEASE read all summer long!

I love you all forever!

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Assesments, Play and More

I hope all of you had a very nice Mother’s Day!

Thank you for all of the nice messages, thoughtful notes, treats and gifts from Teacher Appreciation Week.  I really do love teaching and I love each and everyone of your children.  I also love teaching them and sharing their thoughts, wonders, discovery and excitement for learning.

This week is filled with a variety of assessments including 2 sessions of SAGE, STAR Math STAR  Reading, and a Writing Prompt.  Please make sure your child is in attendance, as arranging times to make this up is very important.  Please do not bring them if they are sick though.  I’ll find a way to get them caught up.

May 10th: 8:40 Language Arts (Please be on time)
May 12th: 8:40 Language Arts (Please be on time)
May 17th: 2:00 Math
May 19th: 2:00 Math

The Play
The costumes for the play can be ANYTHING you would like them to look like.  Most of the characters are familiar and may look like what ever you visualize them to look like.  We will have dress rehearsal on Monday May 15th at 1:30.  Your student should bring their costume that day, we will go through the play with them in full costume.  

On May 18th, at 1:30 we will perform for the school, Lotus Park Residents and any of the parents and grandparents who would like to join us.  We will then perform again at 5:00 that evening.  Students should be back to the school between 4:30 and 4:45 to prepare to go on stage.  If you are not going to be able to make our night performance, I need to know as soon as possible!

Boxtops and Labels
Please continue to send in boxtops and soup labels.  Please Note:  Campbells soup will be discontinuing their school label program as of July 1st.  With this in mind, please take the time to cut just the area of the barcode on any cans you have in food storage or in your pantry and send them in.  I know the case lots are going on now and we can use those bar codes, even if they don’t say “Labels for Education” on them.    We are currently in 4th place and would love to move to 1st place.  Friday May 13th  will be the last day for Boxtops and Soup Labels for this year.

School Carnival
Our school Carnival will be May 20th 5-8PM at the school.  Pre-sale tickets are on sale now at a discounted price. Please go to to purchase pre-sell tickets.  They are also accepting 2 liter bottles of pop donations.  Please turn any donated pop, in at the office.


You should be reading at LEAST 20 minutes  5 to 7 days of the week.  Comprehension, and Vocabulary increase dramatically when reading happens regularly.  You can use Wonderopolis and the Comprehension Checks it includes, Front Row Ed or anything you choose for this time. There are some amazing articles in Front Row Ed that include comprehension questions.  

This week, please use Front Row Ed for all Math homework.  Math homework consists of reviewing the concepts we have learned throughout the year.  Math practice needs to be done 3 times during the week for a total of 30 points.  I have have assigned each student the topics they need to practice in order to be ready for the end of year tests.   If you do not have access to a computer for online practice, please talk to me and I will provide paper and pencil practice for you.
Front Row Ed

For the next two weeks  we will not be having a spelling sort.  We will be using this time to complete the End of Year Spelling Inventory and the final review of the 3rd grade 100 Read, Write, Spell List.

Have a great week!

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Happy May!


May 1st :  9:30   All those who have not finished the writing section
May 10th: 8:40 Language Arts (Please be on time)

May 12th: 8:40 Language Arts (Please be on time)
May 17th: 2:00 Math
May 19th: 2:00 Math

The Play
The costumes for the play can be ANYTHING you would like them to look like.  Most of the characters are familiar and may look like what ever you visualize them to look like.  We will have dress rehearsal on Monday May 15th at 1:30.  Your student should bring their costume that day, we will go through the play with them in full costume.  

On May 18th, at 1:30 we will perform for the school, Lotus Park Residents and any of the parents and grandparents who would like to join us.  We will then perform again at 5:00 that evening.  Students should be back to the school between 4:30 and 4:45 to prepare to go on stage.  If you are not going to be able to make our night performance, I need to know as soon as possible!

Boxtops and Labels
Please continue to send in boxtops and soup labels.  Please Note:  Campbells soup will be discontinuing their school label program as of July 1st.  With this in mind, please take the time to cut just the area of the barcode on any cans you have in food storage or in your pantry and send them in.  I know the case lots are going on now and we can use those bar codes, even if they don’t say “Labels for Education” on them.    We are currently in 4th place and would love to move to 1st place.  Friday May 13th  will be the last day for Boxtops and Soup Labels for this year.

School Carnival
Our school Carnival will be May 20th 5-8PM at the school.  Pre-sale tickets are on sale now at a discounted price. Please go to to purchase pre-sell tickets.  They are also accepting 2 liter bottles of pop donations.  Please turn any donated pop, in at the office.


You should be reading at LEAST 20 minutes  5 to 7 days of the week.  Comprehension, and Vocabulary increase dramatically when reading happens regularly.  You can use Wonderopolis and the Comprehension Checks it includes, Front Row Ed or anything you choose for this time. There are some amazing articles in Front Row Ed that include comprehension questions.  

This week, please use Front Row Ed for all Math homework.  Math homework consists of reviewing the concepts we have learned throughout the year.  Math practice needs to be done 3 times during the week for a total of 30 points.  I have have assigned each student the topics they need to practice in order to be ready for the end of year tests.   If you do not have access to a computer for online practice, please talk to me and I will provide paper and pencil practice for you.
Front Row Ed

Spelling Sorts
Panthers: Sort 13
uskies: Sort 12
ayhawks: Sort 23
ildcats: Sort 41

Have a great week!
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Oops, I Forgot 2 things!

This week we have Conferences on Thursday.  I would love to meet with as many parents as possible.  Please e-mail me if you would like to come visit about the progress of your student.  I currently have appointments available between 3:30 to 4:30.  Please click here to access the schedule and sign up: 

Parent Teach Conferences

Friday is a $1 dress down day, and a short day. 
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Thank you! Thank you!

I can’t even start to thank all of the parents who helped out with our field trip!  It was a huge success and the students had a fabulous time while learning a lot.  We have a wonderful group of parents and students!  

End of Year Testing
I really can’t believe I just said those 4 words!  Here’s our schedule, please take these times into consideration as you make appointments and plans:
April 26th 2:00 Writing Test
April 28th 8:40 Writing Test (Please be on time)
May 10th: 8:40 Language Arts (Please be on time)
May 12th: 8:40 Language Arts (Please be on time)
May 17th: 2:00 Math
May 19th: 2:00 Math

We will perform our play on May 18th at 1:30 and at 5:00.  If your child will not be able to be there, please let me know as soon as possible!  Please help your child figure out a costume for the part they are playing.  If you need help with this, please let me know as soon as possible.  I do have parents who have offered to help.  We will have our dress 
rehersal  on 

Boxtops and Labels
Please continue to send in boxtops and soup labels.  Please Note:  Campbells soup will be discontinuing their school label program as of July 1st.  With this in mind, please take the time to cut just the area of the barcode on any cans you have in food storage or in your pantry and send them in.  I know the case lots are going on now and we can use those bar codes, even if they don’t say “Labels for Education” on them.  

Please sign up for Wonderopolis we will be using this site for centers this week.  This  is a great website that you sign up for at home, and then send me your child’s user name.  It enrolls them in a fun, interactive science and reading site that helps with vocabulary and comprehension.  Please sign your child up and fill our the form below so I can add them to my camp.  This site is available all summer long and will hopefully help keep your student reading.  They are also welcome to vote and enter questions they would like answered.
Please use this link and register as a camper:
Camp Wonderopolis

WHEW, we made it, now onto homework!


You should be reading at LEAST 20 minutes  5 to 7 days of the week.  Comprehension, and Vocabulary increase dramatically when reading happens regularly.  You can use Wonderopolis and the Comprehension Checks it includes, Front Row Ed or anything you choose for this time.There are some amazing articles in Front Row Ed that includecomprehension questions.  

Math homework consists of reviewing the concepts we have learned throughout the year.  Math practice needs to be done 3 times during the week for a total of 30 points.  Please use front row  all 3 nights as this will provide great practice and review of concepts we have learned this year.  If you do not have access to a computer for online practice, please talk to me and I will provide paper and pencil practice for you.
Front Row Ed

Spelling Sorts
Panthers: Sort 12
uskies: Sort 11
ayhawks: Sort 22
ildcats: Sort 40
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Field Trip!!!!

I’m so excited for the Aquarium on Thursday!  If I don’t have your child’s permission slip turned in, please do so ASAP.  If you are interested in coming, it’s not too late, please let me know as soon as possible.

April 22nd  Pizza for Lunch
It has been announced that lunch will be Pizza Cafe Pizza on the 22nd of April.  They asked for a lunch count and the majority of our class indicated they would be eating school lunch that day.  If your child is eating school lunch and doesn’t have money in their lunch account, please pay their $2.00 prior to the 22nd, at the office.

We will perform our play on May 18th at 2:00 and at 5:00.  If your child will not be able to be there, please let me know as soon as possible!  Please help your child figure out a costume for the part they are playing.  If you need help with this, please let me know as soon as possible.  I do have parents who have offered to help.  

End of Year Testing
I really can’t believe I just said those 4 words!  Here’s our schedule, please take these times into consideration as you make appointments and plans:
April 26th 2:00 Writing Test
April 28th 8:40 Writing Test (Please be on time)
May 10th: 8:40 Language Arts (Please be on time)
May 12th: 8:40 Language Arts (Please be on time)
May 17th: 2:00 Math
May 19th: 2:00 Math

Boxtops and Labels
Please continue to send in boxtops and soup labels.  Please Note:  Campbells soup will be discontinuing their school label program as of July 1st.  With this in mind, please take the time to cut just the area of the barcode on any cans you have in food storage or in your pantry and send them in.  I know the case lots are going on now and we can use those bar codes, even if they don’t say “Labels for Education” on them.  

Please sign up for Wonderopolis.  This  is a great website that you sign up for at home, and then send me your child’s user name.  It enrolls them in a fun, interactive science and reading site that helps with vocabulary and comprehension.  Please sign your child up and fill our the form below so I can add them to my camp.  This site is available all summer long and will hopefully help keep your student reading.  They are also welcome to vote and enter questions they would like answered.
Please use this link and register as a camper:
Camp Wonderopolis

WHEW, we made it, now onto homework!


You should be reading at LEAST 20 minutes  5 to 7 days of the week.  Comprehension, and Vocabulary increase dramatically when reading happens regularly.  You can use Wonderopolis and the Comprehension Checks it includes, Front Row Ed or anything you choose for this time.There are some amazing articles in Front Row Ed that include comprehension questions.  

Math homework consists of reviewing the concepts we have learned throughout the year.  Math practice needs to be done 3 times during the week for a total of 30 points.  Please choose one of the sites below.  If you do not have access to a computer for online practice, please talk to me and I will provide paper and pencil practice for you.

Math 3 Under the Sea
Front Row Ed
Reflex (Only on Tuesdays and Thursdays)
WOOT Math (Class code is 69D56V)

Due to the field trip, and preparation for the writing assessment next week, we will not have spelling sorts this weeks.

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Save the Dates

We have a few things to put on the calendar, so I’ll start with those:

April 10 (That’s tomorrow) Spring Pictures  
Uniforms are not required, but you need to follow regular dress down rules.  Every child will be photographed, unless you sign the bottom of the paper that was sent home.  I noticed there were still several papers in boxes.  If you would prefer your child not have their picture taken, pleas send a note and I will attach it to the paper.  These pictures will be sent home, and then you decide if you are going to purchase them.

April 21  Field trip to the Loveland Living Planet Aquarium
Please notice the date change.  We had to move it one day due to transportation conflicts in Draper.  We’re sorry if this is an inconvenience.  The permission slip can be found here:

Aquarium Permission Slip

The cost for this field trip is $3.00 for each child and $7.00 for parents who would like to join us as chaperones.  Please note: Please do not plan on bringing other siblings on this field trip.  Please look at is as an opportunity to spend time with your 3rd grader and a few of his/her friends.

April 22nd  Pizza for Lunch
It has been announced that lunch will be Pizza Cafe Pizza on the 22nd of April.  They asked for a lunch count and the majority of our class indicated they would be eating school lunch that day.  If your child is eating school lunch and doesn’t have money in their lunch account, please pay their $2.00 prior to the 22nd, at the office.

May 18  Class Play
Every year we do a small musical.  This year our musical is called Character Matters Too   We will have a daytime and a nighttime performance to accommodate all parents.  The daytime performance will be at 2:00 and the nighttime performance will be at 5:00.  The program lasts approximately 30 minutes.  If your child CANNOT be to the nighttime performance, please e-mail me as soon as possible as that will affect our casting.  We will also be looking for help with props, costumes, choreography and scenery as we begin production.  If you are interested in helping, please e-mail me and I will add you to my list.

End of Year Testing
I really can’t believe I just said those 4 words!  Here’s our schedule, please take these times into consideration as you make appointments and plans:
April 26th 2:00 Writing Test
April 28th 8:40 Writing Test (Please be on time)
May 10th: 8:40 Language Arts (Please be on time)
May 12th: 8:40 Language Arts (Please be on time)
May 17th: 2:00 Math
May 19th: 2:00 Math

May 27th Last Day of School

Boxtops and Labels

Please continue to send in boxtops and soup labels.  Please Note:  Campbells soup will be discontinuing their school label program as of July 1st.  With this in mind, please take the time to cut just the area of the barcode on any cans you have in food storage or in your pantry and send them in.  I know the case lots are going on now and we can use those bar codes, even if they don’t say “Labels for Education” on them.  

Please sign up for Wonderopolis.  This  is a great website that you sign up for at home, and then send me your child’s user name.  It enrolls them in a fun, interactive science and reading site that helps with vocabulary and comprehension.  Please sign your child up and fill our the form below so I can add them to my camp.  This site is available all summer long and will hopefully help keep your student reading.  They are also welcome to vote and enter questions they would like answered.
Please use this link and register as a camper:
Camp Wonderopolis

WHEW, we made it, now onto homework!


You should be reading at LEAST 20 minutes  5 to 7 days of the week.  Comprehension, and Vocabulary increase dramatically when reading happens regularly.  You can use Wonderopolis and the Comprehension Checks it includes, Front Row Ed or anything you choose for this time.There are some amazing articles in Front Row Ed that include comprehension questions.  

Math homework consists of reviewing the concepts we have learned throughout the year.  Math practice needs to be done 3 times during the week for a total of 30 points.  Please choose one of the sites below.  If you do not have access to a computer for online practice, please talk to me and I will provide paper and pencil practice for you. (use the login used in class)
Math 3 Under the Sea
Front Row Ed
Reflex (Only on Tuesdays and Thursdays)
WOOT Math (Class code is 69D56V)

Spelling Sorts
Panthers: Sort 11
uskies: Sort 10
ayhawks: Sort 21
ildcats: Sort 39

As always, if yo have questions or concerns, please e-mail me or give me a call (801)731-9859

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