I Messed Up!

15 fabulous parents have gone into the Food Permission Slip Document and recorded what their student may or may not have.  The only problem is that I did not give you a place to enter your student’s name.  I am so sorry!  I wish that I could say this was the first time I have done this, and that it will never happen again, but I don’t make promises I can’t guarantee that I will keep.  Will you please take the time to go in again, and fill the form out one more time?  Thank you in advance, and here’s the link:  Google Food Form
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Food Permission

I know that fall break has started, but I do need a permission slip for a few lessons that will include food in the few weeks. Please mark all the things that your child may have. If you do not reply, or there is anything they may not have, they will have an alternative activity. Thanks for your help!


If the form is not loading, please click on these words to fill out the form:  Food Permission

We are still in need of someone to head up the Halloween Party!
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Short Week, Fall Break and Witches

HELP!!!!! I need a few parents who would be willing to  do any of the following things:

– Make hair Monday or Tuesday night.  It’s quite simple, you wrap yarn around a book 20 times clip both ends and tie it in the middle.
– Make brooms Monday or Tuesday night.  To do this, you hot glue yarn at the bottom of a stick and wrap a piece of yarn around the top of the other yarn to make it look like a broom.
– Plan and Coordinate the Halloween Party.  It will last about an hour and 15 minutes on October 30th from 10:00 to 11:15.  We need to get this planned as soon as possible so we can get the permission to have food in school from the parents.
–  We will also need parents who can come and help with the Halloween Party.

Please e-mail me if you can help with any of these activities.

We are going to have 2 1/2 busy days!  Monday we will be doing our final activity with bubbles, for right now.  We will see them again in a few weeks, but not for as long as we have been working with them this go around.  I hope you have heard a lot about bubbles!  Just wait to see what we start next week! 

We will be finishing our polygon books and working with quadrilaterals.  At home, please talk about shapes and what attributes sort them into the various categories.  Talk about the sides, parallel lines, and right angles.  Here’s a fun video about quadrilaterals:

Homework this week is simple, as we will not be having a spelling test.  

Math: Prodigygame.com    This is a great way to practice what we have been doing in class and needs to be used 3 times a week, for at least 15 minutes each time.  This is a great review of what we are doing in class as I assign the problems that your child works on.  We have also been playing PIG and if you would like to substitute any night of  Prodigy for Pig, please feel free to.  There are 30 points given each week for Prodigy and/or Pig.  The rules for Pig can be found here: PIG

20 minutes at least 5 times a week.  It is imperative that your child is participating in reading practice at home.  Studies have shown that the more words a child read, the better their achievement is in all other areas.  We will be starting book talks where the students talk about what they read the night before.  Not only are they given homework points for reading, but they are also given presentation points for being able to stand up and talk about what they read the night before. Reading is worth 100 points each week.

Remember this is a short week, and Wednesday is an early out day.

Have a great week!
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Happy October

There are so many exciting things happening in our classroom that I don’t even know where to start.  Our bubble unit is going to spill over into one more week, with the student’s having their first opportunity to experience an engineering activity.  We will take lots of pictures and post them here as well as on Facebook.  

We have also started using tasks in Math.  It’s fun to see the students trying to make the task into a traditional story problem and having to struggle a little bit to get the correct answer.  The task we did this week was concerning a bike shop that had 21 seats, and 54 wheels in the showroom.  These seats and wheels were on go carts and bikes.  How many bikes and go carts were in the shop?       If you are reading this before school on Monday, please DO NOT help your child with the answer.  They are in groups and need to learn a couple of things from this activity.  1)  We need to stay in the struggle!  No matter how hard something is, it is okay to struggle and try something again, and again.  2) We need to work with others.  Most of the jobs in the job market tend to have collaboration involved and teams working together.  I observed students having to learn to give and take, as well as corporate with each other as they tried to determine the best way to complete this task.  

If you have a Facebook and have not liked the Quest Academy Page, please take the opportunity to like us.  We post pictures, and videos there that show what we are learning in school.  The Dry Ice Bubbles were amazing and the video is very fun to watch.

Our witches are starting to get very old and wrinkly!  The students have taken dress patterns home with instructions.  If you have not seen these, please let me know and we will get another set home.  (I don’t have an electronic version yet, but I’m working on that,)  All dresses should be returned to school by this Wednesday.  I have a few parents who have volunteered to sew dresses for those who do not sew.   I do need a few volunteers who would be willing to make brooms and hair.  These need to be completed by the 14th.  


Prodigygame.com    This is a great way to practice what we have been doing in class and needs to be used 3 times a week, for at least 15 minutes each time.  This is a great review of what we are doing in class as I assign the problems that your child works on.  We have also been playing PIG and if you would like to substitute any night of  Prodigy for Pig, please feel free to.  There are 30 points given each week for Prodigy and/or Pig.  The rules for Pig can be found here: PIG

20 minutes at least 5 times a week.  It is imperative that your child is participating in reading practice at home.  Studies have shown that the more words a child read, the better their achievement is in all other areas.  We will be starting book talks where the students talk about what they read the night before.  Not only are they given homework points for reading, but they are also given presentation points for being able to stand up and talk about what they read the night before. Reading is worth 100 points each week.

Sorts are assigned on Monday, so this sort should be the regular sort, allowing you to see what the focus for the week is and should be written after sorting.  Tuesday and Wednesday and Thursday, you get to choose the sorts.  I have told the students that if they choose the speed sort, to save it for a “busy” night as it does not need to be written.   If you have questions, please don’t be afraid to e-mail me.  Sorts are worth 40 points every week.

When we test on Friday, I choose words with the pattern we have learned throughout the week.  I do not always choose words that were in the sort as we are looking for the use of pattern and their ability to use it in any word with that pattern.

BYU: Sort 4

Utah State: Sort 22
U of U: sort 33
Weber State: Sort 39
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New Happenings

We have earned a class reward, and the students voted to have headphone day tomorrow.  They will be allowed to bring something to play music on, and may listen when we are not being given instructions.  If your child does not have a device that will play music, not to worry, we will have a few devices available here and/or we will play music in the room during seat work. 

Alos, witch dress patterns were sent home today.  Please watch for them


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Surface Tension Extra

After seeing how many water drops we could get on a penny, the kids wanted to try another experiment, so I gave them this one to try at home:

Get a glass that is about a cup and fill it to the top with water.
Drop pennies into the cup and see how many you can add before the water spills out.

Click here to tell us what you learned!

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Bet You Can’t Guess What We’re Learning About!

So, if you haven’t heard what we’re doing in Science I’m surprised!  Can you say, “Bubbles, Bubbles, and More Bubbles!”  We started out by simply blowing bubbles and observing what they do an d don’t do.  We then moved to watching professionals blow bubbles.  Our next step was reading article about bubbles.  From this, we will be exploring surface tension and what it is.  We’ll also be writing about all the things we have learned about bubbles and doing a really cool art project about….. BUBBLES!  This won’t be the last time we see bubbles, watch for them later in math.

The Goldsberry Witch Project is going very well and you should see patterns come home.  Please note,  the piece of material you need is only two pieces of material that are 8 1/2 x 11 inches.  If you have a machine and can sew the two pieces together, great, if not. I have several moms who have offered to sew for us.  If you are not able to get the material or felt, please e-mail me as soon as possible.  All dresses need to be at school by  October 7th so we can organize and be ready for the 14th.  


Math: Prodigygame.com    This is a great way to practice what we have been doing in class and needs to be used 3 times a week, for at least 15 minutes each time.  This is a great review of what we are doing in class as I assign the problems that your child works on.  We have also been playing PIG and if you would like to substitute any night of  Prodigy for Pig, please feel free to.  There are 30 points given each week for Prodigy. 

20 minutes at least 5 times a week.  It is imperative that your child is participating in reading practice at home.  Studies have shown that the more words a child read, the better their achievement is in all other areas.  We will be starting book talks where the students talk about what they read the night before.  Not only are they given homework points for reading, but they are also given presentation points for being able to stand up and talk about what they read the night before. Reading is worth 100 points each week.

Sorts are assigned on Monday, so this sort should be the regular sort, allowing you to see what the focus for the week is and should be written after sorting.  Tuesday and Wednesday, you get to choose the sorts.  I have told the students that if they choose the speed sort, to save it for a “busy” night as it does not need to be written.  Thursday night is a glue sort.  If you have questions, please don’t be afraid to e-mail me.  Sorts are worth 40 points every week.

When we test on Friday, I choose words with the pattern we have learned throughout the week.  I do not always choose words that were in the sort as we are looking for the use of pattern and their ability to use it in any word with that pattern.

BYU:  Sort 3
Utah State: Sort 21
U of U: Sort 32
Weber State: Sort 38

Have a Wonderful Week!

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Fall is in the Air

It’s amazing to me how fast the month of September flies by and as it does, your children become our children. I’m already calling them my kids and I’ve started to learn their likes, dislikes and learning styles.

This week is another week of firsts.  This will be the first week we will be doing centers independently, checking out books, and using our STEM journals.  We will also be working on coding in the STEM lab.  It is also our first Parent Teacher Conference on Thursday.  The following times are still available:

Thursday 4:10
Thursday 4:30
Thursday 4:50
Thursday 5:10

If you would like to take one of these times, please e-mail me at sgoldsberry@questac.org

Homework for the Week

Math: Prodigygame.com    This is a great way to practice what we have been doing in class and needs to be used 3 times a week, for at least 15 minutes each time.  This is a great review of what we are doing in class as I assign the problems that your child works on.  There are 30 points given each week for Prodigy.

Reading: 20 minutes at least 5 times a week.  It is imperative that your child is participating in reading practice at home.  Studies have shown that the more words a child read, the better their achievement is in all other areas.  We will be starting book talks where the students talk about what they read the night before.  Not only are they given homework points for reading, but they are also given presentation points for being able to stand up and talk about what they read the night before. Reading is worth 100 points each week.

Spelling:  Sorts are assigned on Monday, so this sort should be the regular sort, allowing you to see what the focus for the week is and should be written after sorting.  Tuesday and Wednesday, you get to choose the sorts.  I have told the students that if they choose the speed sort, to save it for a “busy” night as it does not need to be written.  Thursday night is a glue sort.  If you have questions, please don’t be afraid to e-mail me.  Sorts are worth 40 points every week.

When we test on Friday, I choose words with the pattern we have learned throughout the week.  I do not always choose words that were in the sort as we are looking for the use of pattern and their ability to use it in any word with that pattern.

BYU:  Sort 2
Utah State: Sort 20
U of U: Sort 30
Weber State: Sort 37

Have a Fabulous week!

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Family Portrait Deal! (Really it’s a steal with benefits!)

Christmas Family Portrait Event 
is back at Quest!
What is it? 
It is a fundraiser put on by the Technology Department to earn money for STEM Clubs this year! For example, we are going to participate in Lego Robotic Competitions, Cyberpatriot and more!
How does the Portrait Event work? 
We have invited Toni J Studios back to our school!  She is an award winning photographer and has been a photographer for over 20 years.  Sitting Fees can cost anywhere from $50-$300 depending on where and who takes your picture right?  Well, Toni J is only going to only charge $25 for her sitting fee for us, and guess what???? She is going to donate the FULL $25 to Quest Academy!  She is willing to take all of our portraits for FREE those three nights and give us that money.  She is also going to donate a percentage of the portrait sales to us!!! This fundraiser is so AWESOME because we do not have to put any money out.  It is straight profit for us and a portrait sitting for you!  

Step 1.  Please print the ticket (or check your child’s back pack, one should be coming home tonight) fill out the ticket and return it to the office with your child’s name and the $25 (you can put it in an envelope and your child’s teacher will give it to the office) – please write your checks out to Quest Academy.  Next, call the number on the ticket and book your appt.  (October 1,2 or 3) Please do this before Sept. 25th so we can get an idea on how many time slots we need those nights :). 
Step 2.  Come and get your Family Portrait taken on the date you booked. Portraits will be taken in the Q1 gym. 
Step 3.  Toni J and staff will return  to Quest and have you come in to proof your portraits and order your prints.  These prints are HIGH quality and will be retouched.  The packages run from $89 -$259 and we promise you will be happy, (you can ask any of us that have used her in our past fundraisers). She has unique Christmas Cards available and all of your portraits will be ready in time to deliver for Christmas gifts!!!
As easy as that, right? 
Look at your most current family portrait and ask yourself,  “Is it time to update our family pictures and help Quest start some engaging clubs for our children, ALL at the same time!”  Hopefully the answer is yes  and now’s the perfect time of year to have pictures taken and contribute to a great cause. 
BOUNS:  The Technology Department is going to provide a Pizza Party for the class that sells the most Sitting Fees.  Remember, to share this with your extended family as well, it is not limited to Quest families. 
Thank you in advance!  There is  slideshow running in the Q1 lobby with samples of Toni J’s work, please stop by and take a peek.   There are also samples in the Q1 Mac Lab.  Stop by and see what fabulous work Toni J does.  Online images are also featured on Facebook,  if you haven’t checked them out yet!
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The Apple Witches are Carved and Drying!

A huge shout out to the moms that were able to help us carve apple witches on Friday.  The kids did great and our witches are going to turn out amazing!  Thank you JayLynn Larsen,  Jennifer Brown and Katie Butler, without you, the apple witches probably wouldn’t have happened.  If you weren’t able to come help us this time, not to worry, we will need help again in October to dress them.

I will post pictures of their progress for the next 4 weeks and you’ll be able to see them change as the dehydrate and start to shrivel up.

I hope homework is going well.  Prodigy Game is a fabulous tool for math, but it does have the upgrade that the kids want to purchase and REALLY don’t need.  I go in each week and assign them the topics we are working on, or the concepts they are struggling with.  When they complete these assignments, the computer adapts to what they need more practice in.  Please do not feel like you need to subscribe to the upgrade.  I am amazed at how many of them have completed over 100 questions in just one week.  I’m so IMPRESSED.  Also, I have been able to log into Prodigy on several different iPads, Notebooks, Tablets and computers.  If your child is having a problem with this, please have them click here:  Prodigygame and it should take them to the game.  Also check the username and password against the paper that was sent home.

Parent Teacher Conferences
Parent Teacher Conferences will be held Thursday September 24th.  If you are interested in meeting with me, please let me know as soon as possible as I will fill any open appointments later this week. I try and meet with every child’s parent at least once, so don’t be surprised if you call to come and celebrate your child’s achievements.

Homework for this week:

Reading: 20 minutes 5 nights a week.  I can’t even start to tell you how important this 20 minutes is.  If things are hectic, please don’t skip this one!  Some suggestions that may help are have an older child read to a younger sibling.  Read a book as a family, giving everyone a chance to read out loud, but only takes 20 minutes and everyone is done.  

Math:  Prodigy Game  3 times a week for at least 15 minutes each night.


BYU:  Sort 1
Utah State: Sort 19
U of U:  Sort 29
Weber State: Sort 36

ave a great week!
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