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1/2 Way Through
Dates to Remember
Tues. Jan 17th Happy 1/2 Birthday Jazmin S
Thurs. Jan 19th STEMa
I can’t believe that we are 1/2 way through the year! I love seeing the growth that each of the students in our class has made, and it makes me excited to think about how much we will learn in the next few months. This time of year also makes me a little sad because it also means that in a few short months I will have to pass “my kids” to 4th grade, and that’s never a happy thought, so onto happier things. We are still learning various literature components and many new concepts in math. I so look forward to having a great rest of the year and watching the students grow even more.
Reading: Read every night for at least 20 minutes, and then record it on both the google spelling assignment sheet and the google form for the library
Math: 15 minutes of You don’t need to record anything, it gives me a report at the end of every week. It does not count your time if you only do a few problems, you need to go into battles and do the math
Spelling With this being a short week, and last week being a short week, we will keep the same sort for another week. You only need to do 3 sorts for the week too.
Spelling Ten
Have a great week!
Tues. Jan 17th Happy 1/2 Birthday Jazmin S
Thurs. Jan 19th STEMa
I can’t believe that we are 1/2 way through the year! I love seeing the growth that each of the students in our class has made, and it makes me excited to think about how much we will learn in the next few months. This time of year also makes me a little sad because it also means that in a few short months I will have to pass “my kids” to 4th grade, and that’s never a happy thought, so onto happier things. We are still learning various literature components and many new concepts in math. I so look forward to having a great rest of the year and watching the students grow even more.
Reading: Read every night for at least 20 minutes, and then record it on both the google spelling assignment sheet and the google form for the library
Math: 15 minutes of You don’t need to record anything, it gives me a report at the end of every week. It does not count your time if you only do a few problems, you need to go into battles and do the math
Spelling With this being a short week, and last week being a short week, we will keep the same sort for another week. You only need to do 3 sorts for the week too.
Spelling Ten
Have a great week!
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Let it Snow?
Important Dates
Just wanted to wish a Happy Half Birthday to Taina B and Addie T (We celebrated these last week)
Mon. Jan 9th Happy Birthday Adelynn
Library (Don’t forget your books!)
Tues. Jan 10th Music with Mrs. Verniew
Thur. Jan 12th STEM
Fri. Jan 13th Teacher Development Day
(No School for Students)
I hope you had a safe weekend as you shoveled, and shoveled, and then shoveled some more. On Friday, several of the students expressed how they wanted a snow day. I told them in all my years of teaching, I can count the number of snow days that have been called on one hand. They just don’t happen often, and when they do, we have to make it up, usually over Spring Break.
SEESAW If you have not signed up for Seesaw, please do! We post amazing things about what we’re learning in school. We also post Art projects. We’d love to have you see your child’s work.
Please remember that we are still working on Multiplication facts and have one month before we should have them all passed off. Please ask your child which set of facts they are on and then practice with them.
Reading: 20 minutes a night at LEAST 5 nights
Math: 3 nights for 15 minutes
Spelling: 4 Sorts. Please remember that sentences in the sentence sort should be 7-Up sentences and should incorporate words that follow the spelling pattern.
This weeks pattern is 3 and 4 syllable words that have long and short vowels in them.
Spelling Ten
REMEMBER: When you have done your 20 minutes of reading, 15 minutes Prodigy and 15 minutes Spelling you are done for the night.
Just wanted to wish a Happy Half Birthday to Taina B and Addie T (We celebrated these last week)
Mon. Jan 9th Happy Birthday Adelynn
Library (Don’t forget your books!)
Tues. Jan 10th Music with Mrs. Verniew
Thur. Jan 12th STEM
Fri. Jan 13th Teacher Development Day
(No School for Students)
I hope you had a safe weekend as you shoveled, and shoveled, and then shoveled some more. On Friday, several of the students expressed how they wanted a snow day. I told them in all my years of teaching, I can count the number of snow days that have been called on one hand. They just don’t happen often, and when they do, we have to make it up, usually over Spring Break.
SEESAW If you have not signed up for Seesaw, please do! We post amazing things about what we’re learning in school. We also post Art projects. We’d love to have you see your child’s work.
Please remember that we are still working on Multiplication facts and have one month before we should have them all passed off. Please ask your child which set of facts they are on and then practice with them.
Reading: 20 minutes a night at LEAST 5 nights
Math: 3 nights for 15 minutes
Spelling: 4 Sorts. Please remember that sentences in the sentence sort should be 7-Up sentences and should incorporate words that follow the spelling pattern.
This weeks pattern is 3 and 4 syllable words that have long and short vowels in them.
Spelling Ten
REMEMBER: When you have done your 20 minutes of reading, 15 minutes Prodigy and 15 minutes Spelling you are done for the night.
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Happy 2017!
Important Dates
Friday Jan 6th Short Day Schedule
I can’t believe we are already to January in our school year, and we only have 5 months left of school. We have learned so much, and still have so much more to accomplish. We will be starting many exciting things this week. In reading we’ll be using Owl Moon and learning about how the author sets a mood. We will also be woking on fact and opinion as well as starting opinion writing. In math we will be finishing up our multiplication facts, and learning about area, which will then take us to our STEM challenge for the month.
Now that it’s snowed, please be aware that the students do go outside unless it’s colder than 20 degrees. Please send the appropriate outside clothing. Winter boots are wonderful to keep the kids’ feet dry outside, but I would really appreciate it if you could send an extra pair of shoes for inside the classroom. Snow boots become hot, sweaty, stinky, and uncomfortable when the students wear them all day long. When you multiply 1 set of sweaty, smelly feet by 27, you can only imagine the odor that accompanies them.
Please note, all grades are up to date in Aspire. Homework grades are lower than they were last quarter. Please make sure all homework is turned in and homework minutes are recorded.
Homework this week is 20 minutes of reading every night. When recording your reading minutes, please remember to enter them on the google form as well as on the spelling form itself. The google form is needed for the library challenge, but I cannot access this information. The minutes entered on the Spelling Homework Form are used for the homework reading grade.
Math Homework: Review of multiplication facts 3 nights on Prodigy for at least 15 minutes. Please remember that you need to go into the challenges so you complete math concepts. You should complete at least 15 problems a night.
Spelling Sort: Spelling Nine Word Document
Spelling Nine PDF
Have a great week
Friday Jan 6th Short Day Schedule
I can’t believe we are already to January in our school year, and we only have 5 months left of school. We have learned so much, and still have so much more to accomplish. We will be starting many exciting things this week. In reading we’ll be using Owl Moon and learning about how the author sets a mood. We will also be woking on fact and opinion as well as starting opinion writing. In math we will be finishing up our multiplication facts, and learning about area, which will then take us to our STEM challenge for the month.
Now that it’s snowed, please be aware that the students do go outside unless it’s colder than 20 degrees. Please send the appropriate outside clothing. Winter boots are wonderful to keep the kids’ feet dry outside, but I would really appreciate it if you could send an extra pair of shoes for inside the classroom. Snow boots become hot, sweaty, stinky, and uncomfortable when the students wear them all day long. When you multiply 1 set of sweaty, smelly feet by 27, you can only imagine the odor that accompanies them.
Please note, all grades are up to date in Aspire. Homework grades are lower than they were last quarter. Please make sure all homework is turned in and homework minutes are recorded.
Homework this week is 20 minutes of reading every night. When recording your reading minutes, please remember to enter them on the google form as well as on the spelling form itself. The google form is needed for the library challenge, but I cannot access this information. The minutes entered on the Spelling Homework Form are used for the homework reading grade.
Math Homework: Review of multiplication facts 3 nights on Prodigy for at least 15 minutes. Please remember that you need to go into the challenges so you complete math concepts. You should complete at least 15 problems a night.
Spelling Sort: Spelling Nine Word Document
Spelling Nine PDF
Have a great week
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Last Week Before Christmas
Important Dates:
Dec. 12th Library (Don’t forget your book!)
Dec. 13th Singing with Mrs. Verniew
Dec. 14th Last Day for Refugee Donations
Dec. 15th STEM
Dec. 16th Dollar Dress Down (Please see post below!)
Grinch Party
White Elephant Gift
Dec. 16 – Jan 2 See you on the Jan 3rd!
First of all, a huge shout out to the parents who were able to help us on the field trip. We really do appreciate your help!
Volunteers for this week: Due to the fact we have Christmas Surprises going on in our classroom, we will not be needing any parent volunteers this week. If you come to school, and need to come to our room, please have the office call down in advance.
Next Friday morning on December 16th, the third grade will be having a Grinch Party. We will be watching the cartoon, How The Grinch Stole Christmas as a grade. We will be serving “Grinch Popcorn” (sugared popcorn colored green) “Grinch Pills” (green Sixlets) during the party. Please let us know if you have a problem with your child eating either of these things. Since this day is a Dollar Dress Down day, we thought it would be fun for the students to dress up like the Grinch or a Who from the story/movie. Any child that would like to do that sure can. It will add to the fun for sure!
Before the Grinch Party, our class will be doing a White Elephant gift exchange party. Please send your child with a wrapped present on or before the 16th. This can be something from around your house, a Dollar Store purchase, a toy you have lying around, something funny to make us laugh (Those are my favorite.), etc. Please DO NOT go out and spend a bunch of money on this gift. That will not be necessary. Let me know if you need me to have a gift ready for your child. Thanks so much for all you do!
Homework Reading: 20 minutes every night
Math: Prodigy 15 minutes 3 nights a week
Spelling: No Spelling this week
Over the break, please remember to read, and practice multiplication facts. Reflex will be available if your child would like to continue on it, but is not required.
Thank you for allowing me to be a part of your family! Have a safe and very Merry Christmas!
Dec. 12th Library (Don’t forget your book!)
Dec. 13th Singing with Mrs. Verniew
Dec. 14th Last Day for Refugee Donations
Dec. 15th STEM
Dec. 16th Dollar Dress Down (Please see post below!)
Grinch Party
White Elephant Gift
Dec. 16 – Jan 2 See you on the Jan 3rd!
First of all, a huge shout out to the parents who were able to help us on the field trip. We really do appreciate your help!
Volunteers for this week: Due to the fact we have Christmas Surprises going on in our classroom, we will not be needing any parent volunteers this week. If you come to school, and need to come to our room, please have the office call down in advance.
Next Friday morning on December 16th, the third grade will be having a Grinch Party. We will be watching the cartoon, How The Grinch Stole Christmas as a grade. We will be serving “Grinch Popcorn” (sugared popcorn colored green) “Grinch Pills” (green Sixlets) during the party. Please let us know if you have a problem with your child eating either of these things. Since this day is a Dollar Dress Down day, we thought it would be fun for the students to dress up like the Grinch or a Who from the story/movie. Any child that would like to do that sure can. It will add to the fun for sure!
Before the Grinch Party, our class will be doing a White Elephant gift exchange party. Please send your child with a wrapped present on or before the 16th. This can be something from around your house, a Dollar Store purchase, a toy you have lying around, something funny to make us laugh (Those are my favorite.), etc. Please DO NOT go out and spend a bunch of money on this gift. That will not be necessary. Let me know if you need me to have a gift ready for your child. Thanks so much for all you do!
Homework Reading: 20 minutes every night
Math: Prodigy 15 minutes 3 nights a week
Spelling: No Spelling this week
Over the break, please remember to read, and practice multiplication facts. Reflex will be available if your child would like to continue on it, but is not required.
Thank you for allowing me to be a part of your family! Have a safe and very Merry Christmas!
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Happy December!
Important Dates
Nov. 25 Happy Late Birthday Jackson!
Dec. 5 Library (Please remember to bring your books)
Dec. 6 Field Trip (Please be on time, we cannot wait for children who are late)
Dec. 8 Happy Birthday Abagail!
I am so sorry about the missing blog post and major mixup in Google Classroom. The blog finally came up Monday, and I fully intended to write a blog post, but life and family happens and it took its toll on me last week. Thank you for being understanding and rolling with me!
Remember the field trip is this Tuesday. Please have your child dress for the weather, keeping in mind that their backpack is their coatroom, lunch carrier and water bottle holder. The Children’s Theatre of Utah will be performing Aesop’s Fables, which will be perfect as these are a major part of our reading curriculum and will be a great introduction. We will then eat and have the opportunity to explore the State Capitol after we eat lunch. It should be a really fun day.
Service Learning
We have been talking about helping others, especially those who may not have as much as we do. With this in mind, we are still collecting school supplies to help the refugee students in Logan. These students are grateful for everything they receive. We are still looking for 1″ binders, expo markers, composition notebooks, lined paper, spiral notebooks, hand sharpeners and gently used books. As you are out shopping please keep these students in mind. We will collect items until December 14th.
Multiplication Madness
We are not in the middle of learning multiplication. Every student should know their 0, 1, 2, and 5 times tables. We will introduce 9, 3, and 4’s this week, with 6, 7, and 8’s right before Christmas. We are also starting our Multiplication Glyph activity, where your child will be coloring a picture of an ice cream sundae that represents the times tables they have passed off. On February 14th, we will celebrate Valentine’s Day with and ice cream party where we use their glyph to determine which items their sundae will include. Please support your children by helping them practice their times tables at home. There are a variety of ways to practice multiplication at home, and I will be sharing those for the next few weeks.
I recently sent home a paper that explained how to join Seesaw, A Learning Journal. If you are not familiar with Seesaw, it’s an app that allows you to see what your child posts in school. Our class has uploaded several items that they would love for you, their parents to see. No one else can see what your child posts and it makes them so proud that you can see and celebrate what they’re learning in school. Please take the time to connect with us on Seesaw.
Please continue to read every night for at least 20 minutes. We will be evaluating each student individually after Christmas to ensure that learning is happening and reading levels are raising. It’s OK for your child to spend some of their reading time silently, but they still need to do some reading out loud so you can talk about the story itself, how the author did things to make the story more interesting, how they create a setting and what words they chose to use and why.
Prodigy is the only math homework I assign. It’s a very motivational way for your child to practice math. They only need to be in the game 15 and going to battles to help them maintain the math concepts we have been working on. If you feel your child needs more than this, you may have them go into Front Row Ed and do practice in the Number and Base Ten, or Operations and Algebraic Thinking Sections.
I have really enjoyed the spelling we are using and I am seeing a difference in our class writing pieces. These are not easy words and patterns by any means, but we are being challenged while learning that we can do hard things! Here are the sorts for this week.
Spelling Nine PDF
Spelling Nine Document
Nov. 25 Happy Late Birthday Jackson!
Dec. 5 Library (Please remember to bring your books)
Dec. 6 Field Trip (Please be on time, we cannot wait for children who are late)
Dec. 8 Happy Birthday Abagail!
I am so sorry about the missing blog post and major mixup in Google Classroom. The blog finally came up Monday, and I fully intended to write a blog post, but life and family happens and it took its toll on me last week. Thank you for being understanding and rolling with me!
Remember the field trip is this Tuesday. Please have your child dress for the weather, keeping in mind that their backpack is their coatroom, lunch carrier and water bottle holder. The Children’s Theatre of Utah will be performing Aesop’s Fables, which will be perfect as these are a major part of our reading curriculum and will be a great introduction. We will then eat and have the opportunity to explore the State Capitol after we eat lunch. It should be a really fun day.
Service Learning
We have been talking about helping others, especially those who may not have as much as we do. With this in mind, we are still collecting school supplies to help the refugee students in Logan. These students are grateful for everything they receive. We are still looking for 1″ binders, expo markers, composition notebooks, lined paper, spiral notebooks, hand sharpeners and gently used books. As you are out shopping please keep these students in mind. We will collect items until December 14th.
Multiplication Madness
We are not in the middle of learning multiplication. Every student should know their 0, 1, 2, and 5 times tables. We will introduce 9, 3, and 4’s this week, with 6, 7, and 8’s right before Christmas. We are also starting our Multiplication Glyph activity, where your child will be coloring a picture of an ice cream sundae that represents the times tables they have passed off. On February 14th, we will celebrate Valentine’s Day with and ice cream party where we use their glyph to determine which items their sundae will include. Please support your children by helping them practice their times tables at home. There are a variety of ways to practice multiplication at home, and I will be sharing those for the next few weeks.
I recently sent home a paper that explained how to join Seesaw, A Learning Journal. If you are not familiar with Seesaw, it’s an app that allows you to see what your child posts in school. Our class has uploaded several items that they would love for you, their parents to see. No one else can see what your child posts and it makes them so proud that you can see and celebrate what they’re learning in school. Please take the time to connect with us on Seesaw.
Please continue to read every night for at least 20 minutes. We will be evaluating each student individually after Christmas to ensure that learning is happening and reading levels are raising. It’s OK for your child to spend some of their reading time silently, but they still need to do some reading out loud so you can talk about the story itself, how the author did things to make the story more interesting, how they create a setting and what words they chose to use and why.
Prodigy is the only math homework I assign. It’s a very motivational way for your child to practice math. They only need to be in the game 15 and going to battles to help them maintain the math concepts we have been working on. If you feel your child needs more than this, you may have them go into Front Row Ed and do practice in the Number and Base Ten, or Operations and Algebraic Thinking Sections.
I have really enjoyed the spelling we are using and I am seeing a difference in our class writing pieces. These are not easy words and patterns by any means, but we are being challenged while learning that we can do hard things! Here are the sorts for this week.
Spelling Nine PDF
Spelling Nine Document
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Sorry, the Blog was Down!
Hello Friends!
I am sorry that the blog was down, so I couldn’t post over the weekend.
Here is the sort for this week:
Spelling 8
Spelling 8 PDF
I will post more at a later date. Thanks for understanding!
I am sorry that the blog was down, so I couldn’t post over the weekend.
Here is the sort for this week:
Spelling 8
Spelling 8 PDF
I will post more at a later date. Thanks for understanding!
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Dates to Remember
Mon. November 14th Library
Permission Slips for Fieldtrip Sent Home
Tues. November 14th Singing with Mrs. Verniew
Thur. November 17th Parent Teacher Conferences
(This time it is by Invitation)
Fri. November 18th Early Out
Dollar Dress Down
Fieldtrip Note Due
Next Week: Happy Thanksgiving Break
No School!
I can truly say I’m thankful for the students in my class and their parents. I am amazed at how quickly I come to love your children as my own and I appreciate you sharing this short year of their schooling life with me. Thank you for all you do for your child, and for our class!
Service Learning Project
We are still collecting school supplies for the refugee students. They are in desperate need of spiral notebooks, composition notebooks, 1″ binders and paper. If you are able to donate to this worthy cause, we would appreciate anything we can collect.
Field Trip Information
Your student should have brought home a field trip permission slip. We are very excited to be going to the Utah Children’s Theatre and then to the State Capitol for lunch and a quick tour. No child will be left behind due to inability to pay the donation. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me.
Reindeer Run
You’ve heard of the Santa Run in Ogden, well we are hosting the 1st annual Reindeer Run 5K, or Mile Fun Walk. Your registration pays for a t-shirt, and a really fun goody bag, as well as your entry in the race. A flyer was sent home with every child last week with all of the details. Registration is due this Friday. Put on those running shoes and get ready for a great time!
Reading everyday helps increase a child’s vocabulary, knowledge and the ability to increase comprehension. It’s amazing how many new words can be learned in a year, just by reading 20 minutes a day. I think reading is my favorite part of homework! Please don’t ever miss reading your 20 minutes a night.
When logging into Prodigy, please make sure you are connected to the class. I can see that several of you are in the game and completing math problems, but you’re not completing the assignments. Please continue to log the nights you work in Prodigy by clicking on the Homework tab and then the homework reporting tab.
Spelling:Directions for the spelling sorts and a sample document of what spelling will look like at the end of the week are both available here: Spelling Sort Directions and Spelling Homework Directions
There is no need to submit a spelling entry on the homework form, as the submission in Google classroom will serve this purpose.
Here is the sort for this week:
Spelling 7 Word Doc
Spelling Seven PDF
Mon. November 14th Library
Permission Slips for Fieldtrip Sent Home
Tues. November 14th Singing with Mrs. Verniew
Thur. November 17th Parent Teacher Conferences
(This time it is by Invitation)
Fri. November 18th Early Out
Dollar Dress Down
Fieldtrip Note Due
Next Week: Happy Thanksgiving Break
No School!
I can truly say I’m thankful for the students in my class and their parents. I am amazed at how quickly I come to love your children as my own and I appreciate you sharing this short year of their schooling life with me. Thank you for all you do for your child, and for our class!
Service Learning Project
We are still collecting school supplies for the refugee students. They are in desperate need of spiral notebooks, composition notebooks, 1″ binders and paper. If you are able to donate to this worthy cause, we would appreciate anything we can collect.
Field Trip Information
Your student should have brought home a field trip permission slip. We are very excited to be going to the Utah Children’s Theatre and then to the State Capitol for lunch and a quick tour. No child will be left behind due to inability to pay the donation. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me.
Reindeer Run
You’ve heard of the Santa Run in Ogden, well we are hosting the 1st annual Reindeer Run 5K, or Mile Fun Walk. Your registration pays for a t-shirt, and a really fun goody bag, as well as your entry in the race. A flyer was sent home with every child last week with all of the details. Registration is due this Friday. Put on those running shoes and get ready for a great time!
Please note! When you do your spelling sorts, report your reading for the week at the bottom of the Google Classroom document that you submit. You will NO longer need to go to the Google Form if you just add it to the bottom of the document you are already turning in online. There is also a link on the document that will allow you to put your minutes in for the library. I DO NOT get this information so please note your minutes on your sort document too.
Reading everyday helps increase a child’s vocabulary, knowledge and the ability to increase comprehension. It’s amazing how many new words can be learned in a year, just by reading 20 minutes a day. I think reading is my favorite part of homework! Please don’t ever miss reading your 20 minutes a night.
When logging into Prodigy, please make sure you are connected to the class. I can see that several of you are in the game and completing math problems, but you’re not completing the assignments. Please continue to log the nights you work in Prodigy by clicking on the Homework tab and then the homework reporting tab.
Spelling:Directions for the spelling sorts and a sample document of what spelling will look like at the end of the week are both available here: Spelling Sort Directions and Spelling Homework Directions
There is no need to submit a spelling entry on the homework form, as the submission in Google classroom will serve this purpose.
Here is the sort for this week:
Spelling 7 Word Doc
Spelling Seven PDF
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Our Very Giving Class
Dates to remember:
Mon. Nov. 7th Library (Please don’t forget your Books)
Tues. Nov. 8th Election Day
Singing with Mrs. Verniew
Fri. Nov. 11th Veterans Day
Happy Birthday Calvin
Bookfair all week in the Q1 Gym!
Update on our Service Learning Projects
Monday is a can count, with the grade with the most cans receiving a free dress down day on Tuesday! We are so thankful for all of you being willing to help others. We have talked about how it’s more about the giving, but it’s fun to have fun while we think of others.
School Supplies and Anything Chocolate
We will be collecting both of these item until the end of the month. Remember we are collecting binders, pencil boxes, composition notebooks, spiral notebooks, as well as anything you can donate at this time. These items will be donated to schools in Logan who just received a lot of refugee children in their classes.
Reading everyday helps increase a child’s vocabulary, knowledge and the ability to increase comprehension. It’s amazing how many new words can be learned in a year, just by reading 20 minutes a day. I think reading is my favorite part of homework! Please don’t ever miss reading your 20 minutes a night.
When logging into Prodigy, please make sure you are connected to the class. I can see that several of you are in the game and completing math problems, but you’re not completing the assignments. Please continue to log the nights you work in Prodigy by clicking on the Homework tab and then the homework reporting tab.
Spelling:Directions for the spelling sorts and a sample document of what spelling will look like at the end of the week are both available here: Spelling Sort Directions and Spelling Homework Directions
There is no need to submit a spelling entry on the homework form, as the submission in Google classroom will serve this purpose.
Here is the sort for this week:
Mon. Nov. 7th Library (Please don’t forget your Books)
Tues. Nov. 8th Election Day
Singing with Mrs. Verniew
Fri. Nov. 11th Veterans Day
Happy Birthday Calvin
Bookfair all week in the Q1 Gym!
Update on our Service Learning Projects
Monday is a can count, with the grade with the most cans receiving a free dress down day on Tuesday! We are so thankful for all of you being willing to help others. We have talked about how it’s more about the giving, but it’s fun to have fun while we think of others.
School Supplies and Anything Chocolate
We will be collecting both of these item until the end of the month. Remember we are collecting binders, pencil boxes, composition notebooks, spiral notebooks, as well as anything you can donate at this time. These items will be donated to schools in Logan who just received a lot of refugee children in their classes.
Please note! When you do your spelling sorts, report your reading for the week at the bottom of the Google Classroom document that you submit. You will NO longer need to go to the Google Form if you just add it to the bottom of the document you are already turning in online. There is also a link on the document that will allow you to put your minutes in for the library. I DO NOT get this information so please note your minutes on your sort document too.
Reading everyday helps increase a child’s vocabulary, knowledge and the ability to increase comprehension. It’s amazing how many new words can be learned in a year, just by reading 20 minutes a day. I think reading is my favorite part of homework! Please don’t ever miss reading your 20 minutes a night.
When logging into Prodigy, please make sure you are connected to the class. I can see that several of you are in the game and completing math problems, but you’re not completing the assignments. Please continue to log the nights you work in Prodigy by clicking on the Homework tab and then the homework reporting tab.
Spelling:Directions for the spelling sorts and a sample document of what spelling will look like at the end of the week are both available here: Spelling Sort Directions and Spelling Homework Directions
There is no need to submit a spelling entry on the homework form, as the submission in Google classroom will serve this purpose.
Here is the sort for this week:
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Free Dress Down for THIRD GRADE!!!!
Dear Parents,
Thanks to your generosity, our class has earned a free dress down day on Thursday November 3nd. Please adhere to Quest Dress Down Guidelines.
We are thrilled that we currently have the most cans, 702, and that we have a free dress down, but we are also stressing to the students that it’s not really about the dress down, it’s more about helping others.
We are still collecting cans until next Wednesday, November 9th. We would love to continue collecting, and would love every child help in this effort.
Again, we appreciate all that you have done to help us reach this very fun incentive, but also that you’ve helped us help others!
Thanks again,
Mrs. Goldsberry
Thanks to your generosity, our class has earned a free dress down day on Thursday November 3nd. Please adhere to Quest Dress Down Guidelines.
We are thrilled that we currently have the most cans, 702, and that we have a free dress down, but we are also stressing to the students that it’s not really about the dress down, it’s more about helping others.
We are still collecting cans until next Wednesday, November 9th. We would love to continue collecting, and would love every child help in this effort.
Again, we appreciate all that you have done to help us reach this very fun incentive, but also that you’ve helped us help others!
Thanks again,
Mrs. Goldsberry
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