Happy Halloween! (Please read this entire Post!)

Mon.   Oct. 31st   Halloween
Tues.   Nov. 1st     Please keep ALL candy at home
Thurs. Nov. 3rd   STEM
Fri.  Nov. 4th        Short Schedule NOT a Dress Down Day

Club information has been posted in the post directly below this one. Monday is the first day to sign up for the dance club! Please see the post for more information.

Opportunities to Give:
October 25 – November 9th  We are trying to win $5,000 from BESST Realty by bringing in the most canned foods for the local food bank. We are competing against 13 other schools and would love to show them Quest really is the best! If 3rd Grade brings in the most cans, we will also earn a free dress down day!

November 1st – November 18th  Third Grade is participating in a service learning project to help some refugee students with much needed school supplies. We are collecting the following items to help them begin their education here in the United States. 1 or 1 ½ inch binders, spiral notebooks, composition notebooks, fine tip Expo markers, pencils, line paper, highlighters, personal pencil sharpeners, gently used books, glue sticks and 1 centimeter graph paper. If you are able to donate any of these we would love to give them a fabulous delivery of supplies.

November 1st – November 29th POQA Holiday Basket Fundraiser
POQA is planning a fun activity for the students where they can try to win a fun basket. These baskets are being created by each classroom, and our classes them is “It’s All About the Chocolate”. We are looking for anything chocolate to be donated to be included in our basket.

Please note!  When you do your spelling sorts,  report your reading for the week at the bottom of the Google Classroom document that you submit.  You will NO longer need to go to the Google Form if you just add it to the bottom of the document you are already turning in online.

Reading everyday helps increase a child’s vocabulary, knowledge and the ability to increase comprehension. It’s amazing how many new words can be learned in a year, just by reading 20 minutes a day. I think reading is my favorite part of homework! Please don’t ever miss reading your 20 minutes a night.

When logging into Prodigy, please make sure you are connected to the class. I can see that several of you are in the game and completing math problems, but you’re not completing the assignments. Please continue to log the nights you work in Prodigy by clicking on the Homework tab and then the homework reporting tab.

Spelling:Directions for the spelling sorts and a sample document of what spelling will look like at the end of the week are both available here: Spelling Sort Directions and Spelling Homework Directions
There is no need to submit a spelling entry on the homework form, as the submission in Google classroom will serve this purpose.

Here is the sort for this week:

Spelling Sort 5
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3rd Grade Dance Club and Competitive Robot Club

Third Grade Dance Club and Competive Robot Team!!!

Our first 3rd grade club will be starting next week! We are going to be doing a dance club after school from 3:00-4:00 on Tuesdays for the next 6 weeks. We will be learning a few common dances and then we will have one routine that we will work on from week to week. We will either be performing it or we will record the finished dance and post it on the Quest Facebook page. 

The contract for the club is available here. —>Club Contract
In order to be officially signed up for the club, this contract along, with the $10 fee (which will cover the club t-shirt and refreshments for the 6 weeks) will need to be turned into the office. We will operate on a first come, first serve basis. We will have approximately 20 student participants.

Our class will also have the opportunity to participate in Wonder Workshops Dot and Dash Competition Workshop.  This is a big commitment for you and your child as I NEED them here from 3 to 4:15 on Tuesday and Thursday after school.   I need them there the full time, both days.  There is the possibility we will need to increase time or days as deadlines approach (These days and times will be flexible with your student) The selection for this club is by selection, and  is based on the number of lines of code the student has created during our STEM lab time, as well as interest in joining.  If your child is interested in being in this club, please e-mail me directly.
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Positive Me Week

It’s the beginning of Positive Me Week, so make sure you check out what each day is below:

Mon. Oct. 24   Scare Away Negativity: Wear your Favorite Accessory
                           Skype with Mrs. Richardson’s Class
Tue. Oct. 25     Scare Away Drugs:   Wear a RED uniform shirt
                           Singing with Mrs. Verniew
Wed. Oct. 26   Scare Away Bad Choices:  Crazy Sock Day
Thur. Oct. 27   Scare Away Bullies:  Favorite Team Jersey, Shirt or Spirit Shirt
                           STEM Lab
                           Parent Teacher Conferences (Sign Up on Bloomz or send me an e-mail)
Fri.  Oct. 28     Happy Birthday Ammon tomorrow, but we’ll celebrate today!
                           Scare Up Some Fun: Wear your Costume for the Halloween Parade, or an Orange Shirt
                           Halloween Parade 9:00
                           Class Halloween Party (Food Permission notice in the Party Description)
                           Early Out 1:00
                           Classic Fun Center Free Skate Night (See Flyer that was sent home)

A lot is happening this week, please make sure you read this post as it will have information you need and the opportunity to donate to the class Halloween Party

Please note!  When you do your spelling sorts,  report your reading for the week at the bottom of the Google Classroom document that you submit.  You will NO longer need to go to the Google Form if you just add it to the bottom of the document you are already turning in online.

Halloween Party
We are still looking for volunteers for the Halloween Party.   Andrea Hodson has graciously offered to plan the party, and her mother has offered to come help execute it, but we will need more volunteers to come help make it all work.  If you have already signed up through Bloomz, thank you.  If you can possibly come help from 10:15 to 11:30, either sign up on Bloomz or e-mail me!  We’d really appreciate your help.  We are also looking for the following items to be donated.  I will send out a signup on Bloomz or again, you can send me an e-mail:

We need 
3 parents to donate 3 packages of chocolate pudding cups
3 parents to donate 1 dozen glazed donuts
1 parent to donate 60 drinking straws
2 parents to donate 2 cans of whip cream
1 parent to donate a bag of mini marshmallows and a bottle of sprinkles

FOOD NOTICE: If there are any items on this list as well as Lime and or Orange Sherbet, and Sprite that your child can not have, please e-mail me as soon as possible, so we can make arrangements for a substitution for your child.

Reading everyday helps increase a child’s vocabulary, knowledge and the ability to increase comprehension. It’s amazing how many new words can be learned in a year, just by reading 20 minutes a day. I think reading is my favorite part of homework! Please don’t ever miss reading your 20 minutes a night.

When logging into Prodigy, please make sure you are connected to the class. I can see that several of you are in the game and completing math problems, but you’re not completing the assignments. Please continue to log the nights you work in Prodigy by clicking on the Homework tab and then the homework reporting tab.


Spelling:Directions for the spelling sorts and a sample document of what spelling will look like at the end of the week are both available here: Spelling Sort Directions and Spelling Homework Directions
There is no need to submit a spelling entry on the homework form, as the submission in Google classroom will serve this purpose.

Here is the sort for this week:

Spelling Lesson 4


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Happy Fall Break!

Oct. 17th Library
Oct. 18th Singing with Mrs. Verniew
Oct. 19th Short Day

The Witches are dressed and displayed in the library.  They will be coming home on Wednesday. 


With it being a short week, we will not have a spelling test this week. 

Math: Prodigygame.com    This is a great way to practice what we have been doing in class and needs to be used 3 times a week, for at least 15 minutes each time.  This is a great review of what we are doing in class as I assign the problems that your child works on.  If you are looking for a fun activity over the break, have your child teach you how to play pig.  They should be playing to 500 points to win.

20 minutes at least 5 times a week.  It is imperative that your child is participating in reading practice at home.  Studies have shown that the more words a child read, the better their achievement is in all other areas.  We will be starting book talks where the students talk about what they read the night before.  Not only are they given homework points for reading, but they are also given presentation points for being able to stand up and talk about what they read the night before. Reading is worth 100 points each week.

Remember this is a short week, and Wednesday is an early out day.

Have a great week and a safe break!

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Fall Is In the Air

Important Dates

Mon.   Oct. 10th   Library 
                                Witch Dresses Due
Tues.   Oct. 11th   Music with Mrs. Verniew
Wed.   Oct. 12th   Witch Dressing Day
Thur.   Oct. 13th   STEM Day
Fri.       Oct. 14th   BFG Skype Day

Oh, Canada!  We loved our time Skyping with our Canadian friends.  We asked and answered questions about the BFG and about each others schools and lives.  We spent about 45 with Mrs. Richardson’s class and learned so much.  We came to the conclusion that both the BFG and Sophie were breaking a few rules, and had they been following them, the book probably wouldn’t have happened.  Mrs. Richardson complimented our class for asking thoughtful questions.  We were also impressed with the quality of their questions.

BFG Skype

Our apple witches are ready to be put together and Wednesday is the day!  A call for volunteers will go out on Bloomz Monday afternoon.  They will stay at school for a week and should come home on Wednesday of next week.  They will be a fun addition to your Halloween decor.  

We are still in need of a Head Room Parent for the Halloween Party on the 28th, and .  The party will last about an hour, right after the parade.

Reading everyday helps increase a child’s vocabulary, knowledge and the ability to increase comprehension.  It’s amazing how many new words can be learned in a year, just by reading 20 minutes a day.  I think reading is my favorite part of homework!  Please don’t ever miss reading your 20 minutes a night.

When logging into Prodigy, please make sure you are connected to the class.  I can see that several of you are in the game and completing math problems, but you’re not completing the assignments.  Please continue to log the nights you work in Prodigy  by clicking on the Homework tab and then the homework reporting tab.


Spelling:Directions for the spelling sorts and a sample document of what spelling will look like at the end of the week are both available here:  Spelling Sorts and Description  
There is no need to submit a spelling entry on the homework form, as the submission in Google classroom will serve this purpose.

Here is the sort for this week:

Spelling Week Four

Have a great week!

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Welcome to October!

This Week:
Mon. Sept.  3rd     Library
                                 Reading Buddies Begin
Tue.  Sept. 4th      Picture Retakes
                                 Music with Mrs. Verniew
Thur. Sept. 6th      STEM Lab
Fri.     Sept. 7th     Happy Birthday Keaten
                                 Short Day (No Dress Down)

We had so many firsts last week and it was so much fun!  On Tuesday we had the opportunity to learn about killer whales through a Skype call with SeaWorld Orlando.  We saw the whales get weighed and measured.  We even directed the whales in two tricks.  We waved at them, and they waved back.  We spun around and they did too.  It was so much fun to be involved one on one with real life trainers.  Several of the students in 3rd grade have said they would love to work with animals when they get older.

Our second Skype call of the week was with Mrs. Richarson’s class from Ontario Canada.  We will be visiting with them often as we are both participating in the Great Read Aloud and have been paired to share as we read the BFG.  We will have a whole class of new to friends and hope to “visit” them often.

On Tuesdays, we are so lucky, due to the fact that we have Mrs. Verniew (Also known as Kelcey’s Grandma) come to do music with us.  She is very talented and has planned some amazing songs for us to learn.  The entire 3rd Grade joins us for this amazing 30 minutes.  This week we get to learn the song Ghost Riders.  Yep, we are so very lucky!

Book Orders
We need to have all book orders entered by Wednesday.  Our class code is H3h9f.  There are some amazing deals.

Apple Witches
The apples are drying beautifully!  We can’t wait for dressing day.  The dress pattern and a letter about them will be coming home on Monday.  I tried posting them here, but the dress won’t print off correctly.  We will be dressing on Wednesday, October 12th, but the witches won’t be coming home until October 18th.  We will need volunteers at school, and a few who would be willing to prepare some things at home.  Look for the sign up on the bottom of the letter, or on Bloomz. 

We will be celebrating Halloween on October 28th with costumes, and a party.  We need volunteers who will be willing to plan a small celebration for our classroom.  If you would be interested in helping plan this, please e-mail me as soon as possible.  The party will be for about an hour (possibly a  little bit longer).  

Reading everyday helps increase a child’s vocabulary, knowledge and the ability to increase comprehension.  It’s amazing how many new words can be learned in a year, just by reading 20 minutes a day.  I think reading is my favorite part of homework!  Please don’t ever miss reading your 20 minutes a night.

When logging into Prodigy, please make sure you are connected to the class.  I can see that several of you are in the game and completing math problems, but you’re not completing the assignments.  Please continue to log the nights you work in Prodigy  by clicking on the Homework tab and then the homework reporting tab.


Spelling:Directions for the spelling sorts and a sample document of what spelling will look like at the end of the week are both available here:  Spelling Sorts and Description  
There is no need to submit a spelling entry on the homework form, as the submission in Google classroom will serve this purpose.

Here is the sort for this week:

Bengal Spelling Lesson 3

Have a great week!

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End of September

Mon.  Sept. 26th        Library
Tues.  Sept. 27th        Skype Call with Sea World
                                      Music with Mrs. Verniew
Thurs. Sept. 29th      STEM Lab
                                      Parent Teacher Conferences
Fri.  Sept.  30th         Dress Down Day
                                      Short Day

The apple witches are shrinking daily, and becoming scarier.  I will be sending home a dress pattern that also has a pattern for the witch hat and gloves.  Please be aware of this.  For the dress, you will need a doubled piece of material that is about 9 X 12.  and a small piece of coordinating felt.  Please plan of cutting the dress out and if possible sewing a VERY small seam, leaving a tiny hole at the top, and the sleeves open.  If you are not able to sew your dress, please let me know and I will arrange to have it sewn for you.  On the same note, if you can sew someone else’s dress, please let me know.  I will be sending out a Bloomz for volunteers to make hair, sew dresses, make brooms, and to come help us dress the witches at school.  

Parent Teacher Conferences are this Thursday from 3:30 to 5:30.  The initial sign-up was sent out on Bloomz, and I have 4:15 and 4:45 left.  If  you would like either of these times, please send me an e-mail, or go on Bloomz and schedule an open time.


Quest homework policy is 10 minutes of homework is allowed times the grade your child is in school, plus 20 minutes of reading time.  With this in mind, your child should only be spending 30 minutes on math, and spelling, and then the 20 minutes of reading.  If it is taking your child longer than this to complete their homework, have them stop when their 30 minutes is over.


20 minutes 5 nights a week. I can’t even start to tell you how important this 20 minutes is. If things are hectic, please don’t skip this one! Some suggestions that may help are have an older child read to a younger sibling. Read a book as a family, giving everyone a chance to read out loud, but only takes 20 minutes and everyone is done. 

Math: Prodigy Game 3 times a week for at least 15 minutes each night. 

Spelling:Directions for the spelling sorts and a sample document of what spelling will look like at the end of the week are both available here:  Spelling Sorts and Description 
There is no need to submit a spelling entry on the homework form, as the submission in Google classroom will serve this purpose.

Here is the sort for this week:

Spelling 2

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Mid September is here!

Mon   Sept. 19th        Happy Birthday Braxtyn
Thurs Sept. 22nd      STEM Lab Time

As you can see, the apple witches are starting to dehydrate and they’re starting to take on their own personalities:

image image


Subscribing to the Blog
The subscription alert part of the blog is not currently working.  Please check the blog every Monday as I post regularly.  I am working on getting a working subscription alert up and running and should have it by next week.  In the mean time, if you haven’t joined me on Bloomz, please do so.  It is the way I am having you sign up for Parent Teacher Conferences, I can easily send out notices throughout the week, and you can text me questions that you may have for me.  Please note: I do not regularly come back to to the blog throughout the week and often times I don’t see comments until the week is over.  E-mailing me, sending me a message on Bloomz, or giving me a call, are much better options if you need something.

Quest homework policy is 10 minutes of homework is allowed times the grade your child is in school, plus 20 minutes of reading time.  With this in mind, your child should only be spending 30 minutes on math, and spelling, and then the 20 minutes of reading.  If it is taking your child longer than this to complete their homework, have them stop when their 30 minutes if over.

20 minutes 5 nights a week. I can’t even start to tell you how important this 20 minutes is. If things are hectic, please don’t skip this one! Some suggestions that may help are have an older child read to a younger sibling. Read a book as a family, giving everyone a chance to read out loud, but only takes 20 minutes and everyone is done.

Math: Prodigy Game 3 times a week for at least 15 minutes each night.

Spelling this year has changed. We are using direct instruction to teach spelling and all the students in our class will have the same spelling pattern, with differentiation happening in our individual seat work time. We will focus on the spelling patterns introduced and a set of sight words. Eventually, the students will be required to type their spelling words in each week, but that won’t come for another week.   For this week, please have your child write their sort.  The directions for typing their sorts will be forthcoming (We’re just waiting for the program we will use to be ready to go)
We have learned how to do a “Regular Sort” and a “Speed Sort”  The students know how to do each of these.  
This week we will be learning a No Peeky Sort and a Sentence Sort. 

Here is the sort for this week:
ack, alk, ard, art

ave a great week!
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Apple Witches are Done and Drying

Dates to Remember

Monday Sept. 12th         Our first library day
Thursday Sept. 15th      STEM Lab
Sunday  Sept. 18th        Happy Birthday Brecklyn (We’ll celebrate on Friday!)

If you have not gone in and signed the disclosure statement, please do so as soon as possible.

A huge shout out to the moms and dads that were able to help us carve apple witches on Friday.  The kids did great and our witches are going to turn out amazing! If you weren’t able to come help us this time, not to worry, we will need help again in October to dress them.

I will post pictures of their progress for the next 4 weeks and you’ll be able to see them change as they dehydrate and start to shrivel up.

I hope homework is going well.  Prodigy Game is a fabulous tool for math, but it does have the upgrade that the kids want to purchase and REALLY don’t need. Last year we were able to get a deal on the upgrade.  If this deal arises again, I’ll let you know.  
This is how Prodigy Works:  I go in each week and assign them the topics we are working on, or the concepts they are struggling with.  When they complete these assignments, the computer adapts to what they need more practice in.  I am amazed at how many of them have completed over 100 questions in just one week.  I’m so IMPRESSED.  Also, I have been able to log into Prodigy on several different iPads, Notebooks, Tablets and computers.  If your child is having a problem with this, please have them click here:  
Prodigygame and it should take them to the game. 

Homework for this week:

Reading: 20 minutes 5 nights a week.  I can’t even start to tell you how important this 20 minutes is.  If things are hectic, please don’t skip this one!  Some suggestions that may help are have an older child read to a younger sibling.  Read a book as a family, giving everyone a chance to read out loud, but only takes 20 minutes and everyone is done.  

Math:  Prodigy Game  3 times a week for at least 15 minutes each night.

Spelling this year has changed.  We are using direct instruction to teach spelling and all the students in our class will have the same spelling pattern, with differentiation happening in our individual seat work time.  We will focus on the spelling patterns introduced and a set of sight words.  Eventually, the students will be required to type their spelling words in each week, but that won’t come for another week or two.  The directions for typing their sorts will be forthcoming (We’re just waiting for the program we will use to be ready to go)

This weeks sort is:
 Sort 32
ave a great week!
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Happy September!

This week:
Sun.   Sept. 4 Happy Birthday Austin!
Mon.  Sept. 5 Labor Day (No School)
Tue.    Sept. 6 Reading Leveling and Dibels Testing Begins
Thr.    Sept. 8 STEM Lab
Fri.     Sept. 9 Apple Witch Carving 9:00 (If you didn’t sign up on Bloomz, but would like to help, please let me know)
Sat.     Sept. 10 Happy Birthday Hailee!

URGENT!!!  We are going to carve witch apples on FRIDAY!  Please send your child with a MEDIUM size apple on or before Friday.  If you are NOT going to be able to provide an apple for your child, please e-mail me or send me a notice through BLOOMZ.  

If you have not signed up for Bloomz, please do, it has already proven to be a very useful tool in communication with parents.

We are starting to get our routines and procedures down. We have been practicing 100% (meaning we do things when we are 100% ready to learn) and working on how to line up, walk in the halls, behave in the lunchroom and follow school and classroom rules. I love the way our class is good at all of these things. Our class now knows the difference between character traits and physical traits. We’ve even started our first of many writing pieces and we’ll learn how to use Google Classroom and Utah Compose this week.


Of course, reading is the most important part of our homework! All of us should be reading 20 minutes a night, 5 nights a week. You can choose if you want to record your reading every night, or all at once at the end of the week.

This weeks math homework will be completed on www.Prodigygame.com  There are three topics given and will easily be completed over 3 nights for about 15 minutes on the program.   If you have not connected to our class, please do so, following the instructions in last weeks blog post.

We are doing spelling a little bit different this year.  We will be training the students on how we would like sorts done, so they will not begin at home until we have trained them at school.

Have a great week!
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