Next week, fall break and math pages

Hello Parents!,
Here is some info from our administration;
Just a reminder that today is an early out day and the beginning of Fall Break. Also, as a heads up, please note that there is no school on Wednesday, November 1st, the day after Halloween. Thanks!

Quest Administration

Also, when we come back from fall break it will be Positive Me week. Here are the daily activities that the kids can participate in:
Monday: hats off to being drug free- kids can wear a hat

Tuesday: Be unique!- wear crazy socks

Wednesday: Be a hero!- wear a superhero or team jersey

Thursday: Scare away negativity- crazy hair day

Friday: Become a better you by reaching out to others!- 5 cans of food for dress down day

I will be sending some math pages home each day (next week). These are not required homework. They will be so that you are aware of what we are working on in math and so that you can work one on one with your child for understanding.

Have a great fall break!
Susan Lindsey

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