April Events

We are almost to the end of April and “things” will start happening quickly.  Please ready this entry to make sure  that you don’t miss something important 🙂 


*A permission slip was sent home with your child on Friday, April 14th. This permission slip is the authorization for our upcoming Snails and Tails in-school field trip as well as authorization for your child to use/eat food in our Rock Unit.  We will “mine” for ore, build rocks, etc. all using different food items.  Without your authorization, your child can not participate in the “food” portion.  Please return this permission slip BEFORE Friday, April 21.

Friday, April 21 begins our Alphabet Countdown to the end of the year.  Friday is “A” day and we will do and art project to represent the letter A.

*  We are beginning our end of the year testing in spelling, reading, writing, and math.  Please make sure your child is here and on time so we are not scrambling to find time to test them.  We usually try do the testing in the morning so any doctor/dentist visits that could be scheduled after 11:00 would be appreciated.
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