Field Trip notes

Good morning!  Tomorrow is out field trip.  We will be leaving at 9:30 and returning around 2:45.  Please make sure your child wears a red uniform shirt and brings a jacket (this is not a dress down day) because the weather will be cold with possible rain,  Please make sure your child has a bag/sack lunch with their name on it.  
The parents who going on the trip as chaperones are: Emilee’s parents, Mariah’s parent, Jacob’s parent, Cayson’s parent, and Makaela’s parent.  We are not able to have siblings on this trip.  If you would like to go, remember you will need to pay the $5 and carpool/drive with other parents.  If you are no longer able to attend as a chaperone, please let me know ASAP so I can give the slot to another parent.
Those parents who are going as chaperones or just going, please meet us up in Logan between 10:30-10:45.  
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