ABC Countdown for this week

Monday, May 19th-R Day-Read a thon Day. Bring a book and pillow and get ready to read in the afternoon. Tuesday, May 20th-S Day-Silly Stories Day. Bring a silly story to class to share. Wednesday, May 21st-T Day-Thankful Day. We will write letters to the 1st graders why we were Thankful for 2nd Grade. Thursday, May 22nd-U Day-USA Day. Students with last names A-H wear Red shirts, I-P wear White Shirts, and Q-Z wear Blue Shirts. Friday, May 22nd-V Day-Video Day. We will watch a video in the afternoon. Bring a pillow to cuddle with. We have also received permission to have a pajama dress down day. remember that you must wear dress-code pajamas (no open toe or back on your shoes, no spaghetti or tank tops, etc.
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