Last week of school updates

The last week of school is here. It has been a pleasure having your children this year. I know that they will have an exciting time next year in 3rd. Here are some reminders for the last week of school. Tuesday, May 27th-W-Wild about learning day. Bring a fun fact to share about your favorite “Wild” animal. Wednesday, May 28th-Xtra Nice Day. We will do something nice for another class. Thursday, May 29th-You are special day! Tell about something that makes you special. We will also share reasons why we think our classmates are special. Friday, May 30th-Zip up your backpacks and Zoom home day!! Friday will be a half day of school. It is also Field Day. 2nd grade should wear yellow shirts on Field Day. Also, please DO NOT bring your backpack to school on Friday. Once Field Day starts you will not be going back into the classroom. Please make sure you bring lunch in a paper bag with your name on it! On Thursday we will be cleaning out our desks and taking all of our things home. Please make sure your child brings a backpack to hold all of their things. Yearbooks will be signed from 2:00-2:55. If your child will not be here on Thursday, please let me know so that they can take all their things home on Wednesday. If you have any questions, just let me know!
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