Daylight Savings Time is coming…

It has been our experience that daylight savings time can be a challenging transition for our young students. The time change can really affect a child’s attention span, appetite, and overall mood.

There are several things you can do now to help:
  • Gradually set bedtime a little earlier each night (15 min a night works well)
  • Gradually wake them up a little earlier each morning (15 min a morning also)
  • Dim lights and turn off electronics 30-60 minutes before bedtime
  • In the morning, give them light (turn on lights, open blinds, enjoy breakfast outside, go for a sunrise walk)
  • Stick with a bedtime routine (warm bath, read a book together, lights out)
  • Be patient (Understand that time change can change their overall mood; they can be grumpy, easily frustrated, and challenging)
  • Take care of yourself, get plenty of sleep. If you are tired, you will be sluggish, irritable, and cranky too.

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