Week of August 28th

Hi everyone! It’s going to take me a while to get used to blogging every Sunday. I will do my best to get this habit ingrained!! This week we are starting PE on Monday and Wednesday. We are practicing some centers and there is an assessment in Math on number sentences. I will also be assessing all the Smart Start high frequency words which are listed in your homework packet!! The kids got to work on the iPads a bit this last week and are working hard on handwriting. 

Please go through the work that is sent home. I do make comments if needed and write “practice” if it’s something they need more time on. And watch for those big smiley faces which show work well done! We are also trying to follow procedures and not start talking… I began taking points off last week. If you notice something consistent, please address it with your child. I hate taking points… but will if needed. On the other hand, several earned their first Dojo reward this last week! Congrats!! Have a great week… we are going to be working hard and having fun!!

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