Supply List
Ms. Wagster’s Supply List
Option 1:
Dear Parents,
Last year, we tried something new with our supply list, which worked out beautifully! Rather than listing all necessary supplies and asking you to search the world for the correct supplies, we thought it would make your life much easier to pay $35 to the office to cover the cost of supplies. I will then be purchasing items these items in bulk. Feel free to bring in your payment to office on or before back to school night Monday, August 14th.
This is designed to be money-saving, since I will be able to purchase supplies in bulk, and I have carefully itemized the list and all costs involved. The only three supplies that will not be included in the items covered by the $35 payment, and which you will have to purchase and bring yourself, are:
- Over-the-ear headphones in a plastic bag, labeled with student’s name (I STRONGLY recommend purchasing a good pair of headphones, for your student to use for several years. Students become very frustrated with headphones that do not work well or do not block out sound. Earbuds tend to tangle very easily and don’t block out sound well, which is frustrating for first-graders. Please try to find the highest-quality, most tangle-free headphones possible. We use headphones multiple times throughout the day in the classroom. Think of it as an investment. You can spend a little more money and get a good set or a little money up front and end up replacing them often. (Your student will also use them in future grades).
- 1 standard-sized back pack. Please do not purchase the smaller-sized backpacks, as your student will be frustrated at not being able to fit books and papers neatly inside. Book bags tend to be difficult for students to carry, especially when carrying heavy items. Please do not purchase backpacks on wheels – these are surprisingly difficult for your student to navigate while walking in a line down the hallways.
- Water bottle labeled with child’s name. Please be sure that the water bottle is easy for your child to open/close and refill.
Option 2:
Pencil Box Items
These items need to be labeled with your child’s name:
-2-24 packs of Crayola Crayons (to be handed out through the year) NO TWISTABLES PLEASE
-1-Sterilite 2.7 Qt. Clear Container (instead of a pencil box) *Available at local discount stores for about $2.50.
Student Items
-Backpack (please label with NAME) SEE ABOVE FOR DETAILS
-2 One-inch White View Binder (attach a sticky note with name)
-1 blue and 1 yellow plastic 2 pocket folder with 3 punch holes (sticky note with name)
-1 set of durable headphones that can last all year (Please LABEL with student’s name) SEE ABOVE FOR DETAILS
-1 Primary journal by Mead. Please ensure they have lines on the bottom half and room for illustrations on the top.
-Water bottle labeled with child’s name. Please be sure that the water bottle is easy for your child to open/close and refill.
Classroom Items — Please do NOT label. These items will be shared.
– 24 Pencils (Ticonderoga are preferred)
-1 pair of child size BLUNT tipped scissors (FISKARS are the best)
-12 Glue Sticks
-Boys- 1 package of Baby Wipes
-Girls- 1 container of Clorox/Lysol disinfecting wipes
-2 boxes of tissues
-1 Medium to Large bottle of Sanitizer
-4 Pen-type fine point Expo Markers…BLACK ONLY
-1 large pink eraser
Utah Code 52A-12-102
Notice: The items on this list will be used during the regular school day. They may be brought from home on a voluntary basis; otherwise, will be furnished by the school.