Upcoming Events:
- Monday, January 18th: Martin Luther King Jr. Day-NO SCHOOL
- Wednesday/Thursday, February 2nd-3rd: Parent Teacher Conferences. I will be sending out the sign up soon, please watch for it.
Weekly Reminders:
- Tuesday: Library books are due! Please make sure your child’s library book is in their backpack. Send take-home folders to school (yellow for AM and green for PM). Please review contents of folder when returned.
- Friday: Short day. Students are welcome to show their Quest pride by wearing their school spirit shirts (with uniform pants).
Here’s a quick overview of new things we will learn this week:

Big Idea for Unit 5: “What kinds of things can you find growing in nature?”
Comprehension strategy: “Reread” We will read a fictional text and several poems to go along with this week’s theme “What do living things need to grow?”
New High Frequency Word: “my”
Phonics:blend and segment sounds in CVC words. New sound/spelling: Hh
Vocabulary: require, plant, harmful, soak, crowd
Math: Lesson 19 “Subtract within 5” and continue working on math pathways. Students have time to work on our math power standards at their own pace during math pathways time.